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Just wondering if this has been over sharpened?. Any other critique appreciated. Photo taken at a market place where there were some buskers. He was reciting poetry. I used the on camera flash.
:thumbsup: Shootme...
Please don't edit and re-post or use my images (not that you'd want to anyway...). without my written permission. Thank you
Thank you all so much for your comments, gives me more confidence now to process and post a couple of others. The gentleman was a busker roaming the country to festivals or Sunday markets, reciting poetry. I asked if I could take his photo made a contribution to his kitty and gave him my card should he want some photos which he appreciated as he has a festival in a couple of weeks where they might want a picture for their web site. I said just have the people contact me and I'd be happy to provide some shots.
Again thanks Jetrim, Frog, Armando, Don and naznomore_92 for your comments.
:thumbsup: Shootme...
Please don't edit and re-post or use my images (not that you'd want to anyway...). without my written permission. Thank you