RTFM When all else fails .. read the freakin manual !
I regret to have to admit I had not read the rules and regulations about posting, and went and posted more than one image per thread, before I read the instrucions and found that 'tis a mortal sin in this 'ere forum. I am expecting the Black Spot to be delivered at any time...
Abject apologies to the powers that be and all the law abiding citizens of the hamlet. I am afraid I am used to a sort of threadosaurus I started which meanders on interminably and so far has 143,674 views over 3,500 replies ( because of a server problem they had to reload it after 33,275 and started counting from 1 again ) and one lad who recently saved the entire confection as a pdf file tells me it is over 1,400 pages long. It is know by the local inhabitants as 'Threadzilla' and is supposedly one of the world's longest active internet thread. It is more a sort of blog of my life and work covering 3 years and includes having my house burned down, and my son put in hospital after almost being killed by a school bully.
The title is Painter Wow because it started at the same time the Painter 8 Wow Book appeared containing many of my images.
it starts at
and so far today goes to
This image I just made will be posted there too.
I made it with Photoshop and Painter and a snap of the dancer Ansuya...