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Thread: One of Many

  1. #1
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    KY, USA

    One of Many

    This is one of many rose images from late yesterday afternoon. Am I on the right track here or not. D70 with 105mm 1/250 at f8 ISO 200.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails One of Many-yellow-rose-640.jpg  

  2. #2
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    N.Y. U.S.A.
    Hey OldTimer,
    hmmm, I'm not crazy bout this one. I have been looking at it for a while now and am trying to put my finger on it. I think it is more the specimen that you chose here and maybe not the best angle for this specific rose. This particuliar rose at this viewpoint I do not feel has anything special to offer the viewer. The blurred green bg is great, sharpness is ok, but something about this that does not let it stand out as one of your better ones. Sorry I can't give any better suggestions or critique on this, I am just not too sure what it is.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  3. #3
    Intermediate member bobbythebandit's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland.

    Its nice, but.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Timer
    This is one of many rose images from late yesterday afternoon. Am I on the right track here or not. D70 with 105mm 1/250 at f8 ISO 200.
    You are on right track ok but what lets it down is where you focused on. To me the centre of the flower has to be sharp and the rest will follow.We have some really good flower people here and maybe one of them will comment ? Who am i thinking of ? usually pits borders on his shots ?
    ps :flower people ! remember them from the sixties ? i was one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    wow awsome flower, im interested in the d70 that will probebly be my next camera, i want a digital b/c i can get the pictures fast, instead of developing them
    ~Something is nothing~
    ~Nothing is somthing~

  5. #5
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    KY, USA

    Thanks guys

    Thanks guys I appreciate the comments. It is sometimes difficult for the the image maker to look at his work as objectively as he should.

  6. #6
    We just can't have nice things... darkrainfall's Avatar
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    Old Timer,
    This is okay... though I'm not crazy about the subject itself... I think the rose is in an awkward stage of opening up and just isn't what it could be. I do like the lighting on it, it makes it look very delicate... I'd say try this one again, because you're close.

  7. #7
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Timer
    Thanks guys I appreciate the comments. It is sometimes difficult for the the image maker to look at his work as objectively as he should.
    Yes , very true. I can surely relate to that
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    That's a beautiful rose and some of you are just too picky about how the rose should have looked. Break off hat rose and show it to anyone who likes flowers and I'll bet each one of them will have a smile on their face!

    But to focus on the photography aspect... I think the framing doesn't do the image any right. I would cut a big chunk from bottom and top. The background is too dark. Brighten it up a but and the image is more balanced. Sharpen it a bit too, but again, not too much. Tune up the overall brightness and contrast of the image, just slightly.

    The lighting was too flat when you shot this image, that's the reason the lighting overall looks kinda dull.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful flower with us Seb!

  9. #9
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    KY, USA

    I agree that....

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeD
    That's a beautiful rose and some of you are just too picky about how the rose should have looked. Break off hat rose and show it to anyone who likes flowers and I'll bet each one of them will have a smile on their face!

    But to focus on the photography aspect... I think the framing doesn't do the image any right. I would cut a big chunk from bottom and top. The background is too dark. Brighten it up a but and the image is more balanced. Sharpen it a bit too, but again, not too much. Tune up the overall brightness and contrast of the image, just slightly.

    The lighting was too flat when you shot this image, that's the reason the lighting overall looks kinda dull.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful flower with us Seb!

    I agree that this is the stage of development that I want this rose in for the photograph. I have worked hard at trying to get that darker background just seemed like that was what most of the viewers wanted, maybe I over did it. A little PS to boast the image would have been in order. Thanks for the commments JoeD.

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