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Thread: Ocean Scene...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Brookings Oregon

    Ocean Scene...

    Does this photo look under exposed? I was trying to bring out the purples. I may have added just a little to much contrast and saturation. Any tips well help. My PS is the 7.0 version.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Ocean Scene...

    It doesn't look under-exposed to me based on how the pinks look and your detail in the rock. But, I will be anxious to hear the experts' opinions. I like it!

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  3. #3
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Ocean Scene...

    Yes, IMO it is underexposed - by a bunch. First, a better way to bring out the purples is to play with the color balance. Punch up the Magenta. Second, if you want to bring out the detail in the rocks, you need to decrease the contrast, not increase it. Once those are taken care of, you can increase the brightness by a full 25% without anything blowing out, though I'd stop a bit short of that if it were me.

    This photo has really fantastic color and detail, you just need to bring it out!
    (I know because I've already done to it everything I suggested to you and it looks great! )

  4. #4
    Kentucky Wildlife
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    Re: Ocean Scene...

    I agree with Jet, but I also notice the water looks too blue. See what that looks like when you fiddle with the magenta. It may fix that, too, but color correcting like that is tricky, because when you change one of the colors, it not only affects that color, but all the hues of all the colors.

  5. #5
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    Re: Ocean Scene...

    Quote Originally Posted by jetrim
    Yes, IMO it is underexposed - by a bunch. First, a better way to bring out the purples is to play with the color balance. Punch up the Magenta. Second, if you want to bring out the detail in the rocks, you need to decrease the contrast, not increase it. Once those are taken care of, you can increase the brightness by a full 25% without anything blowing out, though I'd stop a bit short of that if it were me.

    This photo has really fantastic color and detail, you just need to bring it out!
    (I know because I've already done to it everything I suggested to you and it looks great! )

    I jumped up the magenta and and will play with it and repost. I was thinking of turing up the yellow also it seemed to add a little more detail to the rocks. I'll repost the photo after I play around with it some more.

    Thanks for the tips jet!

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Ocean Scene...

    I think I would have done the exact same thing you did, Raven, exposed for the nice purples. The rock outlines should be good enough to stand on their own. I think they do, but barely - I wish they were just slightly less connected/clumped together, more like the one of the far right. There is also a general loss of interest in the bottom left foreground but I am not sure making it brighter would have made a difference, as there doesn't seem to be anything there!

    Suggestion: try a graduated ND filter. I would have tried one shot w/ the filter and one w/o (like you have here) and compared the results

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Ocean Scene...

    GB1 Suggestion: try a graduated ND filter. I would have tried one shot w/ the filter and one w/o (like you have here) and compared the results
    I only am limited to one lens it's a Canon 28-135mm IS USM so I'm limited to what I can do on photoshop. Anyways I really appreciate everyones insite it really helps a lot. So enough said here is what I came up with for a final copy. I really liked how it turned out. :thumbsup: Jetrim I used a little yellow too to bing out the rocks details alnog with your suggestions. Thanks!!

    Last edited by ravencrew; 01-26-2009 at 08:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Ocean Scene...

    Nice job :thumbsup:

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