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Thread: Noir

  1. #1
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  2. #2
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Re: Noir

    Good to see you french is OK LOL.

    Good good Daq....your particular PP is improving....the shadow really adds up to the general concept, though I´m not sure about the window...maybe cropping it or cloning more wall plus cropping to the left will improve the general composition.

    Nice tones the face is a bit flat but that is a nit pick....but there is an "halo" in your back that must go....BTW your finger in the trigger will look better if you want to do a re-shoot....oh! and a black gun.


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  3. #3
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    Re: Noir

    You are getting very draymorton-like -- I'm looking for bunny ears somewhere. (That's a huge compliment.) Good suggestions by BlueRob. My only little nitpick is that the texture in your hands seems a bit soft, especially in the context of the photo. The texture in your face is more realistic and appropriate.

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  4. #4
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Re: Noir

    Well, in addition to what has already been said, you could go for some selective saturation, or just desaturate a little the whole image... then add some contrast with curves... would make it a bit more dramatic, which for me is part of the Noir concept...

    This must have been fun though... did you do a series of them?

    "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de St-Exupery

    Kindly do NOT edit my photos - I would rather try and apply your advice and learn...

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  5. #5
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    Re: Noir

    Finger is off the trigger as a gun safety rule. Never put your finger on the trigger unless you intend to shoot. I take safety seriously even when doing this. Now it ain't loaded, and I checked more than once, so I could do that, and I even realized it looked a bit bad not to have it there, but safety habits die hard.

  6. #6
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Noir

    I'd think about an 8x10 vertical crop to get rid of the window (which looks too modern) and make it black & white (which is the real Noir, right?) and fiddle with a little selective dodging and burning. The gun, for example, looks a little too modern and shows to much detail. I think the only real detail needed here is in your face.

    I admire the creative persistence in these shots.

    Just my free comments. They might not be worth what you paid for them....

  7. #7
    Member Jay C's Avatar
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    Re: Noir

    I like the clear shadow of the gun on the wall, and your face isn't as red as it was in the other similar shots.

  8. #8
    n8 is offline
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    Re: Noir

    the pistol seems out of place considering the era look of the photo. seems that a revolver, or a weathered 1911 may look better...assuming you have access. Is that a SAXD?
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  9. #9
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Noir

    The lighting on this shot is much improved from some of the other portraits. Although there are shadows on the wall, the lighting does not look overly hard or direct. Skin tone looks fine too. I agree about the comments concerning the window, but its not all that big an issue. I too like the clear shadow of your hands and gun on the wall.
    The halo around the edge of your back could be fixed, but i'm also seeing a dar halo around the hat on the background.
    In any case, this was a pretty good attempt and met with some interesting results. Overall, I like it and look forward to seeing more of your works, they are improving al the time.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  10. #10
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Noir

    very nice, this time the skin tones are very controlled,
    as mentioned before the shade of the hands and gun in the wall is great

    great job

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