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Nice work. To me, the photo is about the three women in the middle, so I would crop it like this. If you decide the photo is more about the entire context, then I would leave it as it, though too much of the frame is taken up by the one woman's back.
The lady in the fore ground has impacted on what would have been quite a nice image had she not been in the frame. I think you need the concentrate on composition and be aware of all the elements in the frame. a picture with a great point of interest can be badly let down by a distracting background or non contributing foreground element as such is the case here.
But hey, your enthusiasm is obvious and you seem to have an eye for an interesting shot so keep at it .......
Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...
A lot of opportunities there I see! I think the shots are decent, but yes composition is tough in places like this, w/ everyone moving around and so many things you'd prefer to leave out of the scenes. Totally agree that the two women looking at the statue is what you want to emphasize, and it is a great capture. The musician could have been shot from a different angle to make it a little less standard (the 5 foot high photographer angle), perhaps from lower? I should practice what I preach. I do that all the time, too.
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
Thank you all for your positive comments and suggestions! Very inspiring
I wish I would've had more time that day to keep at it. Unfortunately with that first shot, it's the only one I was able to take of that moment. The lady you all speak of saw me with my camera up, ready to shoot and ran in from of me, the statue moved, she stopped to look, and I got all back lol. Great story, right?? I laughed it off and had to keep moving. And my musician was another relatively quick shot. I like how into it he was.
Hopefully when this rain lets up I can go back out there and really take my time. I'm sure I'll get something great soon!