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I can't say that I'm cool with the message here, but from the standpoint of the photo itself I think it is quite good. The gritty grain and tones, and the composition, framing all is well executed.
Hello, Quite frankly, I get the feeling that you are trying to scandalize at any cost which doesn't works with me (I'd rather say that it weakens the message as far as I am concerned).
That being said, I can only salute the technical execution. Your picture is very well composed. The tonal range and the textures are fine.
edit: To clarify things, I can't say that I am really shocked by the picture. (clearly, I can't feel perfectly comfortable about the subject and I can easily understand people who would have an hard time with it). However, my point rather was the approach is so "in your face" that I loose some interest.
I have no problem with this and I think it is quiet clever. It's not a comfortable sight but then I don't feel comfortable with any of these multinational sports companies that attempt to brainwash and indoctrinate the public at goodness knows what expense.
The side of his arm is washed away and the elbow is badly "constructed". That is the only problem I have with this image.
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
OK, maybe I'm a little off here, but my first thought was "this is funny!" I took this to be a parody, a joke, not a for-real go kill yourself photo. And as a joke, it's a clever twist on Nike's slogan.
Like the others, I think the black and white and the grain work here.
Well, I'll say this----you did warn us. The 15-21 crowd would love it, but aside from the technical aspects which have already been addressed, it could be viewed as being in bad taste. Don't let NIKE see this one.........they'll sue your *** off.
I for one don't care for this photograph.
I see no value in it, socially or artistically.
Suicide is not the answer, life is too short and too good to do that.
I have been to two funerals in the past few years where the person killed themselves, so perhaps I am a little more sensitive than I would usually be.
I don't care what you are trying to mock or parody.
I hope that whatever else you photograph will be different.
“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams
Ha! Not funny, but still is. Sort of like some cartoons we keep hearing about, eh?
I think the photo itself is well done. There's something Hollywood about this photo... I don't know why but it reminds me of the flick To Lie and Die in LA (maybe cause the poster for it was similar).
I wouldn't remove it - I think you are Ok here stating that it may offend and that it was just an artistic endeauver.
Don't take this picture literally.. But if most of you do, I will remove it. Of course I don't mean that people should kill themselfs, or anybody else.
I also do not see the humor in this. I DO think that in knowing people that have killed themselves makes some more sensitive to this image. It is hard for me to even look at this from a photographic point of view.
That said, you did post a warning, and I would actually like to see some other pictures from you.
I think the black/white grain works well with the fact that its an "advertisement" and looks Hollywood, like GB1 said. I just dont see how you actually got someone to pose with a pistol to their head, I'm a little more cautious than that.
The thread doesn't make much sense without the photo. And I'd like to see it. I think there's usually value in something that makes people think and challenges them. Just because something is misunderstood doesn't mean it should be removed. I'd appreciate it if you'd put it back. Otherwise, I think we should remove this whole thread.
The thread doesn't make much sense without the photo. And I'd like to see it. I think there's usually value in something that makes people think and challenges them. Just because something is misunderstood doesn't mean it should be removed. I'd appreciate it if you'd put it back. Otherwise, I think we should remove this whole thread.
Totally Agree.
Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??
Nikon Samurai #13
"A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.
i'll remove this picture as it was too misunderstood.
Don't remove the picture because a few dislike it. Could you please replace it so as the thread can continue. Your picture is controversial no doubt but I for one welcome this.
Others obviously want to see it .
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
I saw the pic. While I don't agree with it's message, whether humorous or not, the truth is that it was a well executed image. I even liked the "washed out arm" since it seemed like he was about to be walking into the light soon anyway. It was as if the light had already arrived to a foregone conclusion.
It is often hard for us not to judge based on our own emotions, political or religious affiliations, phobias, etc. Maybe a better title would have been "suicide implied" or something along those lines. Much as we label "nudity" images. That way we know what we are most likely about to see. I wouldn't want to be one to censor anything, and art is something that is deeply felt. But as yet another person who recently watched a friend bury her husband who died at his own hand, I think I would have avoided the image so I wouldn't have had to relive those hours of anguish she suffered and I witnessed that had suddenly come to mind. That said, I wouldn't want it to be a "pick and choose what WE consider acceptable" forum. That could only lead to trouble eventually.
I personally didn't like the picture but that alone is no reason to remove it......who am I? I was just giving my opinion. I think that the picture should be reposted and I do agree that maybe a different title would have helped.
You are going to find that many people disagree with pictures. But there were many on here that were able to look past the image and see the photography. I am sorry I couldn't.
True art is not just "Pretty Pictures". True art is something that makes us think. Makes us questions not just others but ourselves. True art is very often very controversial. Often not in "good taste" but yet gets us talking, comparing like and unlike thoughts. Starting a dialogue. When I first saw the photo my reaction was a cross between disgust and humor, making me question my thoughts.
As photographers (artists) we do more than just “record” images. We can stir emotions; bring back memories of both good and bad times. We can cause ourselves and other to THINK.
In reading this thread it is obvious to me that this photo has done that to everyone who has seen it. It has brought out many varied and extreme reactions. It makes me judge not the photographer but myself. To me this is what art does.
We should be proud that this forum allows us as both photographers and artists to show our work and share thoughts on it both in the technical aspect and content.
Please re-post it and thanks to all for your opinions.
I have always had difficulty with the gun culture of Europe, Asia and America; me being a brit where guns are not normally seen; but as many have stated the photo was thought provoking and should not be removed.
I personally did not have a problem with the picture and could share with the sickness of wanting to own a gun, never mind using it; and the sadness inherent in the world today where people are so intolerant of each others feelings and are now going to the extreme of political correctness which seems to stiffle free speech and discussion of such topics and at the same time increases intolerance; my opinion of course.
As for the photo;from memory; it seemed well composed and executed (bad pun :-)).
By the way what is a soft gun?
"I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass."from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson
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Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100
OK, I decided to put the picture back up after I read your suggestions.
The reason I removed it, wasn't because "a few people didn't like it". I removed it because it never was my intention to hurt people's feelings.
I had a friend who shot himself too. It's really tragic and I'm totally against it, but like I said, this isn't a "literal" picture, if I can say that.
When I showed it in a forum in Norway, most people "got" the message. But we may just have different taste.. I have gotten other pictures removed from other U.S. forums too and been flamed like hell..
A soft gun, or an air soft gun is a pistol that uses air to fire a small plastic bullet.
Well, it's good to see the photo reposted...I was very curious. I can completely understand the less than thrilled reactions as well as the others...but it was good that you posted a warning.
As for the picture itself, I think the grittiness adds to the message you're going for. I'm not sure you actually "need" the type on the picture, since the nike symbol is on the back of the guy's could just title the picture "Just Do It".
I'm not sure if it's a country vs. country difference as much as just different levels of sensitivity towards subject matter...but with something like this, you're bound to get wide ranges of reaction. It's an interesting and shocking photo regardless.