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Thread: Night temple

  1. #1
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
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    Night temple

    My first post from a recent trip to Laos, this shot was taken late at night at F8, with an exposure time of a massive 79 seconds....!

    Any thoughts on how this could be improved?

    Happy New Year to all on the forum!
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Night temple-luang-prabang-nightsmall.jpg  

  2. #2
    Ken ksbryan0's Avatar
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    Re: Night temple

    My only thought is that with the large amount of light coming off the temple grounds (and the lower sources, to some extent), this would be a great candidate for HDR. From what I am seeing, the temple is likely too blown out to recover sufficient detail to "fix" the image. If you also took some shorter exposures, HDR should get you where you want to go with the shot. Even then, I am not sure the that the temple itself is large enough to keep a viewer's interest...that will depend alot on the details that you can bring out.

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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Night temple

    I may crop a little off the left (not too much). The temple (?) in the background makes the image, and the foreground lights are a nice addition. If the temple was larger I think it would have more impact. Alas, it's decent and a nice conversational picture if you were to print and frame it.

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