Hello! I'm brand new to this forum and photography. After my daughter was born, I've found myself taking photos of her daily. So, she really inspired me to try to learn more about photography and to take the best photos of her that I could. I had an old point and shoot Kodak that was really disappointing. About a week ago I purchased a Sony DSLR A200. While I love the camera, I'm really clueless as to how to use it properly. The manual helped but it isn't very detailed. I mostly enjoy taking close ups of her and I've found it to be quite difficult as she moves constantly (she just turned 1). I've tried leaving the settings on Auto since I dont know how to use the other settings, however, I dislike the use of the flash. So, I've tried turning the flash off and changing the ISO so the shutter speed is faster (I just use window light). Although, it still seems quite slow and 80% of the photos are blurry. I'm just trying to learn what settings would be best. I'd like to take more "body" shots, but can't seem to focus on her and not have the background be a distraction. I'd like to get a better lens when I have the funds. Here are a few photos I took the other day. I do like them...however, something just seems off in all of them. I'm guessing maybe a lighting issue as I dont know anything about other than what looks "ok" to me and what doesnt. :blush2: Any comments/suggestions would really be appreciated. I'll include the camera settings (even though I dont know what they really mean...I just copied them from flickr). I've just played with the settings and did a bit of trial and error. I've cropped the size so the aren't so huge...although, I do have the original photo uploaded as well.
Exposure: 0.04 sec (1/25)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 45 mm
ISO Speed: 800
Exposure: 0.04 sec (1/25)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 800
Exposure: 0.125 sec (1/8)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 45 mm
ISO Speed: 800
**I used the B&W setting on the camera to test it. I don't know anything about B&W photography, but for some reason, I like this one. It does seem a bit blurry though.**