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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Columbia, SC

    Smile Newbie here...could use some toddler portrait help

    Hello! I'm brand new to this forum and photography. After my daughter was born, I've found myself taking photos of her daily. So, she really inspired me to try to learn more about photography and to take the best photos of her that I could. I had an old point and shoot Kodak that was really disappointing. About a week ago I purchased a Sony DSLR A200. While I love the camera, I'm really clueless as to how to use it properly. The manual helped but it isn't very detailed. I mostly enjoy taking close ups of her and I've found it to be quite difficult as she moves constantly (she just turned 1). I've tried leaving the settings on Auto since I dont know how to use the other settings, however, I dislike the use of the flash. So, I've tried turning the flash off and changing the ISO so the shutter speed is faster (I just use window light). Although, it still seems quite slow and 80% of the photos are blurry. I'm just trying to learn what settings would be best. I'd like to take more "body" shots, but can't seem to focus on her and not have the background be a distraction. I'd like to get a better lens when I have the funds. Here are a few photos I took the other day. I do like them...however, something just seems off in all of them. I'm guessing maybe a lighting issue as I dont know anything about other than what looks "ok" to me and what doesnt. :blush2: Any comments/suggestions would really be appreciated. I'll include the camera settings (even though I dont know what they really mean...I just copied them from flickr). I've just played with the settings and did a bit of trial and error. I've cropped the size so the aren't so huge...although, I do have the original photo uploaded as well.

    Exposure: 0.04 sec (1/25)
    Aperture: f/5.6
    Focal Length: 45 mm
    ISO Speed: 800

    Exposure: 0.04 sec (1/25)
    Aperture: f/5.6
    Focal Length: 70 mm
    ISO Speed: 800

    Exposure: 0.125 sec (1/8)
    Aperture: f/5.6
    Focal Length: 45 mm
    ISO Speed: 800
    **I used the B&W setting on the camera to test it. I don't know anything about B&W photography, but for some reason, I like this one. It does seem a bit blurry though.**
    Last edited by amberg; 01-08-2009 at 02:07 PM. Reason: fixed image url

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Re: Newbie here...could use some toddler portrait help

    I really like the 3rd shot, the lighting is very nice though a bit bright on her shirt. Nice catchlights in her eyes too. I especially like the way her head and gaze are oriented into the negative (dark) space to right; she looks just sweet.

    My experience with trying to get pics of my kids is that slow shutter speeds don't work since kids don't hold still -- ever! Which is why digital is great: combined with continuous mode you can usually get one or two keepers and trash the rest.

    You're off to a good start, especially since you are also trying to use natural light to your advantage. Keep going


  3. #3
    Junior Member GiGi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Newbie here...could use some toddler portrait help

    My best advice is to bring up those shutter speeds with kids and in turn you can open your Aperture a bit (to compensate for light if flash isn't being used). GREAT composition... I highly recommend the books: Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson & Understanding Shutter Speed by the same author... both great and very informative books!! You're off to a great start!!!!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009
    So cal.

    Re: Newbie here...could use some toddler portrait help

    I think your off to a great start, things I think would help, get closer to a bright window; would help for less noise(lower ISO) and you could probably get a higher shutterspeed for less motion blurr. That last image looks great and I would definatly consider Printing/selling.
    [SONY a200][Sony HVL-F42am flash][Sony 18-70 3.5][50 1.7][Sigma 70-200 2.8 EX II][70-210 f4]

  5. #5
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: Newbie here...could use some toddler portrait help

    When you consider a new lens, I'd reccomend the 50mm f/1.8.
    You'll be able to get faster shutter speeds and blur the backgrounds more effectively.
    Take a look at our 50mm lens war and window light threads and you'll see what a great lens it is for a hundred dollars or less.. Of course, I guess I'm assuming there's a good one for the Sony.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Columbia, SC

    Re: Newbie here...could use some toddler portrait help

    Thanks everyone for your responses. I really appreciate the feedback and advice.

    Cathathome...The 3rd is also my favorite. Had I known I was going to try the B&W mode, I would have put a darker shirt on her. I know I need a faster shutter speed, yet I dont know how to adjust that. It's fast when the flash is on, yet when I turn it off it seems the shutter speed slows considerably. Which is why I used a higher ISO because it seemed to increase the shutter speed. But maybe there's another setting I'm missing entirely. The manual says to use the Ps setting, but doesn't do a good job of explaining it.

    Gigi...I didnt think to open the aperture. I will try to figure out how to do that. HA! And thank you for the book suggestions.

    Kris142...Thank you for the compliment. I do open all the windows up to let as much light in as possible...but trying to get her to sit in a certain spot is pretty much impossible. I probably will print that, but just to keep for memory sake.

    Frog...YES...that's exactly the lens I'd like to get. Perhaps an older Minolta as they are cheaper than the Sony lenses. I didnt know there were lenses for sale here...I will take a look around. Thank you.

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