Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    NIkon D3000
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Lodi, CA

    New to Photography

    New I just learned about the rule of thirds, which all these photos I did before I learned about that. but I'm looking for heavy Critique about my photos, because I'm looking to get much better.







  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Goldsboro NC USA

    Re: New to Photography

    i see myself as a nature photographer (mostly birds). I am looking for a photo which has an impact or makes a statement and it takes a while to understand and see that. It is kind of like obsenity, you don't know how to explain it, but you will know it when you see it. With my bird pictures that may be 1 out of 100 (but I take a lot of shots). The main thing is to keep looking anhd shooting. When you look at a picture and choke up, or jump with excitement, you will know that is the one. To evaluate the photos technically would take too long to do them all, but just keep shooting and playing with your exposure and composition. Several of these could be HDR candidates.

    Horace Best
    Goldsboro NC

  3. #3
    n8 is offline
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    Rockford, Il

    Re: New to Photography

    Well, welcome to the forums, and welcome to a great hobby/art/whatever others may consider it.
    You've posted quite a few shots, so it's going to be hard to get criticism on them all. I will say that I can appreciate the texture of #1, so I won't go far into the lack of actual subject. Something looks odd about the lone tree metering would have been useful to expose for just the tree. The mom/baby shot is nice, but some fill flash would have been good.
    A nice challenge to give yourself would be to heavily, if not fully avoid any of the full auto modes...those that tell you what they're for with little icons, and stick to the priority, or full manual mode. This will force you to learn about the relationship between shutter speed, aperture, and ISO...but stick to programed auto/auto if you need something to come out right before you're comfortable with taking the reigns fully.
    mostly Nikon gear

    Feel free to edit my images for critique, just let me know what you did.

  4. #4
    NIkon D3000
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Lodi, CA

    Re: New to Photography

    Quote Originally Posted by n8
    Well, welcome to the forums, and welcome to a great hobby/art/whatever others may consider it.
    You've posted quite a few shots, so it's going to be hard to get criticism on them all. I will say that I can appreciate the texture of #1, so I won't go far into the lack of actual subject. Something looks odd about the lone tree metering would have been useful to expose for just the tree. The mom/baby shot is nice, but some fill flash would have been good.
    A nice challenge to give yourself would be to heavily, if not fully avoid any of the full auto modes...those that tell you what they're for with little icons, and stick to the priority, or full manual mode. This will force you to learn about the relationship between shutter speed, aperture, and ISO...but stick to programed auto/auto if you need something to come out right before you're comfortable with taking the reigns fully.
    Thanks the the help n8, I will try my hardest to avoid using auto icons, and more on manual, I have yet to really learn/play with the Shutter Speed, and all that. Thanks for the tip. this is why I wanted to join a forum, ill be staying on this forum.leaning as much as possible

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Goldsboro NC USA

    Re: New to Photography

    n8 is right in that you really need to understand how you camera is processing the light to get the result you want, ie depth of field, stop or blurred action and how to maintain detail. There is a lot to this, but it ain't rocket science. The nice thing about digital is that you can play with it and erase your mistakes.
    Welcome aboard
    Horace Best
    Goldsboro NC

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