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Thread: New photog...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Rochester, MN, USA

    New photog...

    Have taken a bunch of shots, but have been nervous to post here, as most of you are FAR better than I. A little background, I live in SE Minnesota, and practice Emergency Medicine. I just kinda got into photography as another hobby. To accompany fly fishing, triathlons, cycling, golf, and guitar.......I've always had an interest, and actually took a photography course in HS, but it turned out to be more about film development, than shooting. SO, here's some pics I took today...


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  2. #2
    Member DrRoebuck's Avatar
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    Re: New photog...

    Welcome to the club, hombre.

    I'm really impressed by how quickly you seem to be picking up others' tips and suggestions and applying them in practice, especially regarding the placement of your subject.

    To that I will add, watch your edges. In the first pic, there's a small snippet of sky on the right side of the frame. In the second pic, I would either get the star entirely in the frame or entirely out (my preference). But it doesn't look good being cut in half. In the third pic, watch out for the lightpole that's protruding from the nurse's head. A closer shot from a lower perspective might have been nice. In the last, I would aim the camera lower to get less sky and more ground and, therefore, not have the bottoms of trees and buildings be cropped.
    "Photography as a fad is well-nigh on its last legs, thanks principally to the bicycle craze."

    -- Alfred Stieglitz
    The American Annual of Photography, 1897

    L.A. Landscapes

  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: New photog...

    In the first you could straighten it to get rid of that sky on the right.
    You have exposure problems here with the background being so bright, the subject is too dark.
    2,3, and 4 all have parts chopped off. Looks like you have a good eye for what you want.
    Time to start paying attention to details and you'll start having great shots.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  4. #4
    MB1 is offline
    The Skeptical Photographer MB1's Avatar
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    Washington, DC and Clermont, FL

    Re: New photog...

    You know I want you to get closer to your subject.

    I think the second image has the most potential here, crop from the right to remove the Christmas decoration and everything to the right of the "L" and from the left up to the middle of the "V" getting rid of any sky to the right of the memorial and whatever it is above the memorial just to the left and above the "V".

    then the focus of the image becomes the interesting statue with snow and the Memorial wall becomes the background.
    No, I DON'T need that.

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