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After trying several times with Lucy and Yahoo, and getting plenty of advice, I tried again with the new kitten in the house: Missy. I can't decide at all about the composition. I like it when I first look at it, but then I might get distracted by the background.
I think you have done a super job here of giving the kitten interest beyond, "Here's a picture of my cat." This has a good sense of place and dynamic tension (i.e. it's obviously a desk area where kitties should not play but it's a baby so we forgive it). You have a well delivered and easily observable story to this image which I really like.
agreed! The background isnt distracting at all, it compliments the subject very well. one thing that hurts this shot for me is the crop - it seems slightly tight. id like to see a smidgen more background and a little less cat.
Nice angle. Looks like she's stuck up on a high place and is afraid to jump down. Very interesting background, I think...
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Great shot! I'm new to critiqing photos. I'm going to say that your shot has "tonal harmony." I like how the natural fuzziness of the cat compliments the the blur of the window. I don't think your crop is to tight. I don't think your background is distracting....
... I feel like if I was having a day where I felt I need to punch a wall, I could just look at this photo and instantly feel my blood pressure decrease.
I can't decide at all about the composition. I like it when I first look at it, but then I might get distracted by the background.
I like it, not just becuase she's the spitting image of our 23 year old as a kitten.
IMO the composition is good, the background isn't distractig, the colours of the background don't intrude, and it's the right place for a "naughty tortie" to be.
In general the background isnt distracting, however one of the first things that caught my eye was the small group of wite dots on the upper right corner of the picture. I would just make them green like the rest of the outside. Thats being really picky, but otherwise I really like it. I think the background is perfect for the subject (except for those dots!). very nice