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  1. #1
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Huntington, NY

    New Forest and New Leaves

    They look almost moist like new born babies

  2. #2
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Asheville, North Carolina, United States

    Re: New Forest and New Leaves

    Hello Don,

    I too have noticed how the new leaves look so delicate and fresh. Truly a worthy subject to set out to capture. I think both of these images would have benefited from alternate framing and angle of approach.

    Your new forest image includes too much of the scenery and sky. As an alternative idea to show this concept I might suggest lying down in the middle of these saplings and taking a shot looking up at the sky (late afternoons are usually good for this) to make them appear as though they are taller and bigger than they actually are but still close enough to give the idea that these are all new young trees.

    Your new leaves image would flow a little better if the framing had been vertical instead of horizontal to show more of the leaves and lines of the branch and less of the background. Also another neat suggestion, if you don't have the fancy equipment for macro photography, is to get a tripod and a magnifying glass and just try to get an image of the leaf details through the glass.

    Just my two cents but it could be interesting to attempt.

    Welcome to the PR boards!

    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: New Forest and New Leaves

    Don - I agree with CL about the composition and framing on the top photo. To me, it's also too dark: perhaps a better time of the day when it is better illuminated by the sun? The second shot, I really like it. I find its simplicity refreshing. But I also feel that the foreground is missing something. Perhaps if you crop out the area just below the horizon (still show a little land there, and the grass/thickets will still extend upwards into the frame) it will add mystery and force the user's eyes to the sky. The sky is nice but I think that it could have benefited from a polarizer filter here.

    Anyway - hope it's warming up a bit out in the fields about now..

  4. #4
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Huntington, NY

    Re: New Forest and New Leaves

    Thanks guys

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