Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Orange County, CA

    New to the board, and some pics

    Not sure if this is the right sub-forum to post this in, but I would just like to start off by saying hello, and great forum you have here! I'm a fairly new photographer, and started getting into it seriously almost a year ago.

    As far as personal information goes, I'm from Orange County (yes, like the show, so don't ask), CA, I'm 16, going to be a Senior in High School next year, very mature for my age (yes, that had to be included lol) and am a staff member and Forum moderator on one of largest fishing sites in California (and I'm proud to say we use Vbulliten as well). Fishing is my main sport/hobbie, and photography is right behind it.

    Anyway, I thought I'd just kick off things by sharing some of my photos with you.

    These are most recent ones taken with my Nikon D70:

    (This is the only waterfall shot I have using the D70, but I just bought a ND filter so hopefully I'll be taking some more later.)

    These are just a few, I have many more here:

    Some of these photos are old, so bear with me.

    Please share your comments. If you want shooting data or more pictures, please let me know.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
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    Jan 2003

    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Welcome to the forum Sean and thanks for sharing these images! First off, I think that you have posted a few too many images in one single thread, there is just too much to comment on here! For future reference, try to keep it down to two or three images per thread.

    Can you provide some comment on the eighth image? Would be very interested to learn what your subject matter actually is!

    Thanks for sharing and look forward to seeing more from you in the future.


  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Orange County, CA

    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Quote Originally Posted by Herriot
    Welcome to the forum Sean and thanks for sharing these images! First off, I think that you have posted a few too many images in one single thread, there is just too much to comment on here! For future reference, try to keep it down to two or three images per thread.

    Can you provide some comment on the eighth image? Would be very interested to learn what your subject matter actually is!

    Thanks for sharing and look forward to seeing more from you in the future.

    Thanks for the welcome. The 8th image is elephant skin.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ChowChi-Ching's Avatar
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    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Welcome! You have some real talent! I made the same mistake on my first post. It really does help get better critique with one or two pictures.
    Summer Katz
    Katz Photography

  5. #5
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Welcome to PR.

    Great shots. I have some comments but I'm not organized enough to tell you in what order they apply.

    Looking forward to more of your work and perspectives on photography.

    IMO, I think it is unecessary to mention age on the internet. I suggest you keep it to yourself....just to be safe.
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Sean - Welcome to our humble board! Very nice shots here. It appears you have a taste for getting up close to your subject. I esp like the third one from the top, the flower seems to be exploding outward. But all the shots here are well done.

    Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!

    Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.

    My Site

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Orange County, CA

    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    Sean - Welcome to our humble board! Very nice shots here. It appears you have a taste for getting up close to your subject. I esp like the third one from the top, the flower seems to be exploding outward. But all the shots here are well done.

    You're absolutely correct, I do enjoy getting close up to the subject. I think it puts a special kind of perspective on photography. Thanks for the comment. The third one is actually one of the very first images I took with my D70, turned out to be one of my better close ups of flowers.

  8. #8
    Liz is offline
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    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Welcome to PR, Sean!

    I like your images a lot. You have a good eye, and some real talent. My favorites are the 2 animal pics. They're both sharp, good color and composition.

    I also like the expression on the boys face in the last image - good catch. You have some nice hobbies, and show a genuine interest in each one. It's obvious you work to get a good shot. Nice job.

    I hope you'll post more pictures - look forward to seeing more.


  9. #9
    Insert something witty here.. yogestee's Avatar
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    Re: New to the board, and some pics

    Welcome aboard Sean...You have post some nice images,,a great way to start..You produce work well above your years..We would like to see more..
    In this forum there are a few grumpy old men,,,do what I do,,,ignore them!!!Have fun..

    Falang dung nyai

    Please don't edit my images without my permission.

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