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Thread: My New Fisheye

  1. #1
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    My New Fisheye

    Well, it's my first and I have no idea how to use it. I keep looking for the zoom ring and I simply am lost as to what will work. Here are a couple of images I took this morning. Obviously just test shots. But I intend to not only use it as is, but to also put the panotools to work and see what I get out of that.

    So, what special considerations should I be taking in to take into account the special needs of this lens in as far as lighting and composition goes?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My New Fisheye-rose2.jpg   My New Fisheye-rose1.jpg  

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  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: My New Fisheye

    D - Congrats on your new lens!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you figure it out, just watch yourself to not include your own feet! I don't have any exp with what are the 'better' subjects and compositions, but the top shot shows a fine mess, and that's interesting................. So I think that the lens could be used to show the 'whole picture' so to speak. City shots might also be super appealing with it.

    GL with your new toy -


  3. #3
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: My New Fisheye

    Fisheye lenses are so fun!! I love mine but don't wind up with zoom frustration because mine is a zoom fish eye! [Pentax 17-28mm] Anyway since you have a prime lens the first thing you should know is that you'll have to walk right up to things that you want to appear close. A fish eye can also do "infinite" focus within the abberation. Meaning it may come out in a bubble at either end but if you crop it down the center of the frame everything comes out nice and clear and in focus into perspective. I hope that makes sense. Anyway anything with straight lines is a lot of fun! Also animals, kids, clowns don't forget to walk right in close. Up shots are also a great angle for a lens like this. BUT NEVER NEVER NEVER shoot portraits with it! I knew a guy who did that to a cheerleader once. . . Anyway have a blast with your new piece D!
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  4. #4
    drg is offline
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    Re: My New Fisheye

    You've already kind of discovered one great use, and that is interiors. If you keep the lens parallel to the walls and the film parallel to the flat surfaces, and you may want to use a level, it will significantly cut down on the distortion of the lens. It is the same problem associated with larger format and the use of tilt and shift. Super wides don't just keystone, the distort as well. A tripod and careful setup is almost essential to not generate all the bent look to straight lines. Unless that's your goal.The funhouse aspect of these is really fun.

    Yes, never shoot portraits, but they are great for large group shots or crowd scenes particularly from an elevation or an overhead. Landscapes and scenery that is otherwise mundane can take on a whole new meaning!

    The idea of these focal lengths is to not have to use panoramic software, in fact they are sometime difficult to get the pano's to come out at all like you want if you use too wide a lens.

    Have LOTS of fun and I want to see many pics!
    Last edited by drg; 01-20-2006 at 11:41 AM. Reason: I seemingly cannot type well today
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  5. #5
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Go for asymmetry...

    Congrats on thr new lens. A fisheye is a very strange animal, and can be very challenging to work with. As you may find out, the obvious distortion effect can wear thin pretty quickly, and may end up seeming gimmicky if not done creatively.

    I would try composing shots with an emphasis on asymmetry. IOW, look for "foreground to background" elements, or side to center, or top to bottom (see example below).

    Of course, there's nothing wrong with symmetry. Usually with a fisheye, paying close attention to a mirror-like (very strict) symmetry enhances the distortion effect.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My New Fisheye-fisheye_cali.jpg  
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