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Thread: My first post

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    My first post

    Hello everyone.

    I'm knew here and kind of new to the photography world.

    All I know I learned from web and two books that I bought - basics. Now I started a course - intermediary photography, classes 1 once/week.

    My first assign was to shot B&W in a university in the city. I was told to watch for geometry, forms. I'll share 2 that I liked most. I'd appreciate any comments - either composition suggestions or technical ones. I need both to improve my shots.

    Fist you will see a girl using a computer. Ok, I took the photo, so yes I love it! haha. The photo didnt receive any kind of post-treatment. Direct from the camera to you.

    What I liked most here is the light and the shadows on her. I cant see his face, but he talks to me. Her posture is very straight, her arms and back looked great in the BM. She has personality, it show me how strong she is. I can see geometry in every corner of the scene, but it also show me emotion on it. Math and emotion together!

    What do you think? How could I improved? Ty guys!

    EDITED - Ok I dont know why the photo is in landscape, it should show straight up! i think if you click on it it'll show the way it should be!!

    EDITED 2 - I took the photo using my Canon T4i with a 55-250mm (171mm focal lenght). ISO 400, Av 5.6 and 1/160 Speed.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My first post-_mg_4757-medium-.jpg  

  2. #2
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: My first post

    Here it is upright.

    My first post-upright.jpg

    I think it is an interesting picture and not one I for which I would have spotted the possibilities. On my monitor, it seems to dark.

  3. #3
    Senior Member hminx's Avatar
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    Re: My first post

    I'm curious as to why you posted this as is straight from the camera, the sideways view is going to have a lot of potential commenters have a quick look and move on. Do you have any editing software because rotating this as lava has done and adjusting the exposure would IMO make this a much more interesting image.
    You say you are new to photography and from your comments I can see you have thought about this shot, but I can't help but get the feeling you are trying to run before you can walk. To me the image is under exposed and a bit flat. I feel the subject is interesting but a little two dimensional, perhaps moving a bit to the right while shooting would have added some depth.
    If your main purpose with this shot was to depict geometry then this you have achieved, but as a photo, I see a lady with a sore back due to bad posture, caused by a bad seat. I guess we all take something different from the image. Please don't get me wrong, I don't think its a bad image, I find it quite fascinating in fact, but probably for different reasons the narrative I get from this would be different to yours. Really looking forward to more of your work rafageonub.
    Last edited by hminx; 04-22-2014 at 01:19 AM.

    Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...

    I have no issues with you editing my photos

  4. #4
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    Re: My first post

    Im my PC the picture is upright, I dont know why it showed down, but thats fine!!

    Yeah, thats what I didnt like - I can see underexposure in the right bottom of the scene. But Im glad that I got the shot geometric since that was my assign.

    Ty for you comment Lava! I have posted something about yours myself.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: My first post

    Hi there Hminx. I didnt get you wrong. Your comment was great!

    I was told to look for geometrics in the university - first outside class task. While ppl was shooting buildings and pillars I saw that girl and saw the geometric on her and all over her. ISO 400 was used because it was a cloudy day. I dont know if the aperture was right, I didnt use any specific to determine it. The speed I used to get the right exposure (well, not so good since there's under exposure )

    What you mean about run before walk? What do you suggest?

    I agree with you. If I had moved a little bit I could have more depth, but you are right too, I was looking for a geometric, thats why I took that way. A little more depth could break it.

    I loved the way you see the girl, sore back (...). Its amazing how we can see things differently and thats the beauty of things, right?

    I'm continuing my work and improving my skills. Any suggest or directions in that way are really appreciate. You guys are going to help me to improve the same way I hope I can give a few good reviews too!
    Ty all

    Quote Originally Posted by hminx View Post
    I'm curious as to why you posted this as is straight from the camera, the sideways view is going to have a lot of potential commenters have a quick look and move on. Do you have any editing software because rotating this as lava has done and adjusting the exposure would IMO make this a much more interesting image.
    You say you are new to photography and from your comments I can see you have thought about this shot, but I can't help but get the feeling you are trying to run before you can walk. To me the image is under exposed and a bit flat. I feel the subject is interesting but a little two dimensional, perhaps moving a bit to the right while shooting would have added some depth.
    If your main purpose with this shot was to depict geometry then this you have achieved, but as a photo, I see a lady with a sore back due to bad posture, caused by a bad seat. I guess we all take something different from the image. Please don't get me wrong, I don't think its a bad image, I find it quite fascinating in fact, but probably for different reasons the narrative I get from this would be different to yours. Really looking forward to more of your work rafageonub.

  6. #6
    Senior Member hminx's Avatar
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    Re: My first post

    Quote Originally Posted by rafageounb View Post

    What you mean about run before walk? What do you suggest?
    What I mean by this is you are handing in an assignment concentrating on a advanced aspect of photography when you have overlooked some of the basics i.e. exposure and contrast, both fixable with editing software.

    Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...

    I have no issues with you editing my photos

  7. #7
    Member yetishot's Avatar
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    Re: My first post

    Underexposed? Maybe. Not all photos need to have perfect exposure. In fact what he has here meets what he was trying to do. I find it bold considering he chose a person assuming he didn't know the person. I think its well done and yes a bit of PP software would make this a better shot.

  8. #8
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: My first post

    To me it has an interesting human element to it, a woman sitting there looking at something .. can't quite tell what, or what she's doing. (I see you say it's a computer, but it doesn't look like one.) Are those workout clothes? Does she really have a bad back? I am not sure, but I like the picture because of the candidness of it and the mystery.


    Rotation - it depends on your software. E.g., in Corel Photo-Paint, I can rotate and save a shot and on about half the viewers, including browsers, it will be properly rotated. But the other half will not recognize the rotation and it will be wrong. make sure you get the correct software and check it before posting.

    Exposure - the darkness is mysterious but goes too far, needs at least 1 f-stop more light. If this were in a dark studio posing for a creative shoot, it would be great lighting BTW

    Anyway, keep shooting. Work on the photography fundamentals but definitely continue experimenting and developing your own style.

    Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!

    Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.

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  9. #9
    DMG is offline
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    Re: My first post

    I personally like this image. I like that it's dark and it's open to interpretation on this person. I also am new and will begin posting photos of my own soon.

    We all start from somewhere! It's a learning process. Your vision is your own and it's a matter of learning to convey that so others "get it". Keep it up!

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Re: My first post

    Looks pretty good, keep taking photos practice makes perfect

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