Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Los Angeles, CA

    My first post....


    A friend dragged me to this site.

    I picked up a 10d a couple weeks ago, and have been just slowly understanding the whole world of photography.

    Sure, I can point and shoot, and I've shot in "auto" mode with alot of cameras, but until I picked up the 10d, I didn't really understand the whole camera (aperature, speed, this that...)

    Now, I slowly am reading and picking up the hobby.

    So to start.. here is a pic of my dog:

    Be gentle on the critiques ;-) :thumbsup:

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: My first post....

    ps, this was taken the 3rd day after i got my camera... i was playing in manual mode, ;-)

  3. #3
    The one - The only
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    95062, CA

    Re: My first post....


    This is one of the best, if not the best, photo forums out there. Sure there are other forums, but I think this forum is special because of the great people on board. Congratulations on the 10D! :thumbsup: It's a great camera and should serve your needs very well.

    I do urge to be careful though. You keep referring to photography as a "hobby". I think that before you know it, this hobby will be far more than that to you. Soon you may be trying to figure out how to make money, explore the "pro" world, or just be so into it that your camera is a necessity everytime you go out.

    As for the picture, I think it's good for your third day shooting in manual mode. There are lots of rules to photography that say not to put your subject in the center of your photo, but since your perspective is high and "bird's eye" almost...I think it's okay. Also, you have the right idea about shooting a portrait. For a portrait to seem sharp, the subject's eye(s) must be in focus. If the eye is out of focus, even slightly, the entire print will get an out of focus appearance.

    Have fun and ask questions when they come up! Also do lots of forum searches, there is a vast wealth of knowledge in these boards! Also, keep shooting until your card is full and you battery is dead, then recharge and go shoot some more!

    My SportsShooter Page
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  4. #4
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    May 2004
    Southern California

    Re: My first post....

    Welcome to the boards RC!

    Nice shot of a good looking dog. As BLS439 said, the sharp eyes are good to see on an animal shot or any portrait for that matter. You should lose the stuff poking on the top of the frame.

    Nice exposure for manual though. Keep shooting and posting.

    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  5. #5
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Huntington, NY

    Re: My first post....

    Welcome. I'm fairly new here myself.

    The photo is fine. I love the shallow depth of field and the narrow focus on the eyes. Well done.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2006
    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: My first post....

    Quote Originally Posted by BLS439
    I do urge to be careful though. You keep referring to photography as a "hobby". I think that before you know it, this hobby will be far more than that to you.
    My name stems from "RC" remote control cars (racing 1/10th scale). Yes, that is (used) to be my primary non-essential work-related-spend-time hobby. The reason I got the camera was to actually take shots at races such as :

    (courtesy of

    Funny that you mentionto be "careful" , because I already picked up a BG-grip, a Flash(with diffuser)... and am already prospecting other accessories. I am in the market for a general all-around lens and a nice bag.

    I only have one lens, that came with the camera, which is a Tamron Wide Angle lens. So my ability to "play" is limited to practicing, and doing what I can with a wide angle lens.

    Is it a hobby? For now... "yes" (big grin), but as I pick this one up, my other "hobbies" seem to be collecting more dust... heh.

    I am no stranger to forums, as I frequent alot being a computer geek.

    Who knows, maybe I have to change my name to PhotoMits :P~ har har.

    ps, I know about not having clutter around the dog, it was just a spur of the moment, she-was-looking-at-me-while-i-was-playing-with-the-camera-shots.

    here is another from that same day: (cropped to small size..)

    har =)

    ps. I am lucky, two of my closest friends are photographers who dont mind shooting me some good information when I need help.

    Thanks guys *and* gals...

  7. #7
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Southern California

    Re: My first post....

    Maybe you can get an interchangable bag for photography and RCs =)

    I know both hobbies are pricey so I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Although my other hobby is poker and that can be a money waster when I play like an idiot
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

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