Photo Critique Forum

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Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Peace to all creatures great and small ERdept's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    USA Baby!

    My first photo ever in digital.

    Don't destroy me and rember that we all started somewhere. This is a photo with my new D70 of a candle lighting up my vitamin bottles. I couldn't sleep so this is what I did. Be constructive.



  2. #2
    See things differently Jacqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles, CA, United States

    Re: My first photo ever in digital.

    Cliff, Kudos to you for tackling a difficult scenario for your first try! I'll make some suggestions. If you decide to try them, I'd love to see re-posts.

    With this angle and composition, the vitamin bottles are not interesting subjects. Try getting closer, so close that the candle and vitamin bottles fill the frame. Or use something other than vitamin bottles that will receive the candles light well. "Closer" can be physically closer or a zoom in.

    This candle throws off a very interesting pattern. The first thing I thought when I noticed this is that you could put this candle on a plain surface and shoot directly from the top. Since you have a digital, I suggest setting a timer for 10 minutes and shoot like mad, shooting this candle from different angles, zoom in lenghts, DOF, etc., non-stop and see what you get. Playing with mirrors would be a lot of fun. Tons, actually.

    Have fun and good luck!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles, California, USA

    Re: My first photo ever in digital.

    The picture seems too cluttered to me, the pill bottles in the background distract (me at least) from the main subject being the candle. I like the "reflection" of the candle on the desk though, but I think you could benefit from trying new angles; etc. - But what do I know, I'm not good or anything.

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