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  1. #1
    Member gotrocks's Avatar
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    My fig leaf got caught in a crack

    I had planned on taking this pic this morning but put it off.
    Then I viewed the outstanding "Nosey neighbor" post so I decided to offer this for c/c.
    I acknowledge they are not level. Is that so terrible?
    Now let's wait and see if any figs grow on these stems.

    My fig leaf got caught in a crack-fig-leaf-crack-2.jpg

    My fig leaf got caught in a crack-fig-leaf-crack.jpg
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  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: My fig leaf got caught in a crack

    Rocks - Pretty straightforward shot. That's OK for documenting something, but it lacks artistic flair. I think the early morning light would have helped, but there has to be more I think ... maybe shooting at a side angle with a very narrow DOF?

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  3. #3
    Member gotrocks's Avatar
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    Re: My fig leaf got caught in a crack

    Thank you GB1,
    Now if you have a little more time.
    What settings would you suggest for DOF?
    Since I have tremors from time to time I usually try fast shutter speed.
    But I could get out the tripod when needed.
    Plant a tree, help it grow. Children need something to climb.
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  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: My fig leaf got caught in a crack

    Looking at the leaves from the side, almost leaning your camera against the fence, I would use wide open aperture or perhaps stop it down one stop, depending on what your maximum aperture is on the lens. That creates an 'artsy' look, which is the direction I think a shot like this needs to give it a little pizzazz.

    btw with a very open aperture you probably won't need the tripod, but it sure can't hurt to use one. Pix taken with them are almost always sharper!

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: My fig leaf got caught in a crack

    The saturation is a bit too high and it looks oversharpened.

  6. #6
    Member gotrocks's Avatar
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    Re: My fig leaf got caught in a crack

    Another day another attempt.
    Thanks to all who have replied.
    Here's two more with nothing changed from camera except reduced size to 800 wide.
    What say you now. I'm paying attention.
    "Live and learn.... die and forget it all."

    My fig leaf got caught in a crack-dsc03714.jpg

    My fig leaf got caught in a crack-dsc03715.jpg
    Plant a tree, help it grow. Children need something to climb.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: My fig leaf got caught in a crack

    The flash makes for a pretty bland light quality landing on the fence and leaf. The specular quality of light on the grass and background, behind the fence on the left of the frame looks like a different idea of image altogether, like the negative spilled over or something. The flash really causes it to lose that sense of depth.

    GB1 - gotrocks is not using a DSLR, hard to have that wide aperture dof on those little cameras.

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