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Its a lovely image, Phil. I'm not sure i like the whole reflection down there and suggest cropping up half way from the bottom. also, i think the reflection is too strong and competing with the subject. I think toning down and softening the reflection significantly so that it is there but very subtle would be best. There is also something oddly unnatural about it. the reflection would be darkest closest to her body and then lightening up and getting softer down towards the bottom, but the opposite is happening here.
Its a lovely image, Phil. I'm not sure i like the whole reflection down there and suggest cropping up half way from the bottom. also, i think the reflection is too strong and competing with the subject. I think toning down and softening the reflection significantly so that it is there but very subtle would be best. There is also something oddly unnatural about it. the reflection would be darkest closest to her body and then lightening up and getting softer down towards the bottom, but the opposite is happening here.
Very nice
I think it's the B/W PP that I choose for the subject which makes it compete with the's a colored version that makes the subject strong.
the shadow is natural... didn't do anything with it ....using a tile board for flooring.
I think it's stunning. I'd probably photoshop her tattoo out. Mainly just because a huge part of the picture is the flawlessness of her skin...
I did not do that because the tatoos ... is "her". I think it's not the skin when I look at these type of images but the curves, the tones, and of course the highlights.
I prefer the original also. I think, even if you want to get rid of the shadow, a quick crop would do, you don't need to try to brush out or anything. They have a very nice light to them. Nicely done.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela