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Very nicely lit and composed, especially as it looks like a hospital shot? I started off thinking that I wished I could see a little of the baby's face, but actually I like it as it is. It is obvious what the moment is, and rather than handing people the classic "cute baby" on a plate, this shot is all about the mother, her response to the child. That makes it a little different - and I like it. Very nice - congrats
Mattp covered it nicely. I would also of liked a little more light on the mother's face (her right side), just as it's a tad dark in my monitor! Other then that, superb!
This is one of those shots that is more than just a record. It is crammed with emotion and tenderness. Amazing. I like how you got the lighting. Just half of her face. Very good. Did you convert from color, digital, film, etc? Camera model too would be nice.
"But what is strength without a double share of wisdom." John Milton
Beautiful shot - the lighting is just right. Terrific mood. I'd crop it square to remove the distraction of the IV tube which grabs the eye and leads it out of the frame.
fantastic shot...beautful light as was stated already...I agree a smidgen more light on the other side of mom's face...but a strong enough image that it doesn't detract from the overall shot----I didn't realize it was taken at the hospital till I saw the hint of the IV...added a whole new element and story to an already stirring image. nicely done.
"I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live.".
Chris... I'm very moved by this shot of yours. It brings me back to that moment when I first held my baby. It's an amazing feeling and nothing compares. I think you captured it in your beautiful photo.
I'm on the fence about the IV, I kind of don't want it there, but it does add to the story.
Wonderful, either way.
There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."