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LOTR anyone? This certainly looks like anything I have ever imagine as far as a Tolkien-esque description. I love the lighting on the lower branches of the trees. Lovely scene.
I like this one. It seems brighter than I would expect a heavily wooded, fern covered hillside and that gives it a wonderful surreal feel. It may be that the trees on this hillside lean predominantly to the right but I feel more comfortable with the shot rotated about 2.5 degrees to the left.
Good job.
Yep, the lighting really makes this image. Very nicely captured. For me, though, the extreme foreground's darkness doesn't seem to fit the fairyland that seems to be in the forest. I would crop just the very tip to get the darkest portion out or dodge it up some to lighten it a tad to bring it into keeping with the rest. This must be a lovely walk!!
Yep, the lighting really makes this image. Very nicely captured. For me, though, the extreme foreground's darkness doesn't seem to fit the fairyland that seems to be in the forest. I would crop just the very tip to get the darkest portion out or dodge it up some to lighten it a tad to bring it into keeping with the rest. This must be a lovely walk!!
This was taken on the drift creek trail, the view is just coming back into the forest after crossing the creek, up hill on the left is a clear cut and that is why there is the light coming in. The trail is about 1.5 miles long and it's an easy walk. The photo is looking west. Location is east of Siletz Bay, OR about an 30-45 min drive on a forest service road.
PERFECT singletrack. I wanna ride it so bad.{mountainbike that is}
Love the way you captured the light. I sort of like the darkness at the end. To me its like theres something different and mysterious at the end of the tunnel.