Please post no more than five images a day and respond to as many images as you post. Critics, please be constructive, specific, and nice! Moderated by gahspidy and mtbbrian.
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Lori, I think we might have similar tastes, I prefer the 2nd shot as well, I guess for the earthy colors and use of aperture for the DOF. Don't tell me you're on the same branch (crack)...
:thumbsup: Shootme...
Please don't edit and re-post or use my images (not that you'd want to anyway...). without my written permission. Thank you
It is hard to to a real critique when so many images are posted to one thread but I will take a small shot. First of all though I'll say that the set is better than any one of the images and I sure hope and expect that your subject is pleased with these.
It is hard to to a real critique when so many images are posted to one thread but I will take a small shot. .....
You chopped her fingers off!
You chopped her arm and hand off!
The focal point seems to be her shirt not her eyes!
She is squinting!
Nice background, nice color combos, good use of fill flash and if her eyes were really in focus the catch light would be really good.
I'm thinking you should have moved just a tad back, posed her with both her hands on the chair and asked her to ease up on the smile just a little bit.
It is hard to to a real critique when so many images are posted to one thread but I will take a small shot. .....
Great idea. She sure has a pretty smile here.
My issue is the crop and where her head is in the frame. I want her head to be in the upper right "rule of thirds" point of the frame. As it is her head is too close to the center of the frame.
The best solution would have been if you had pointed the camera just a tad down and to the left to get more tree limb and leaves in the frame. With this shot you could crop a bit of tree from her left (our right) and from the top of the frame.
Focus also seems a little soft on this one but that is ok for an outdoor portrait.
It is hard to to a real critique when so many images are posted to one thread but I will take a small shot. ......
Nice use of fill flash although it is just a little harsh, did you use a diffuser?
Like your tree limb shot her head is too close to the center of the frame. If you had moved to your right and turned to the left just a bit to keep her body in the frame that would have been good and her head wouldn't be turned 90 degrees to look at the camera.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Just for the record I wasn't on the same branch. I was lucky enough that I could stand on the steps of a church near the tree. It is a little soft. I slowed my shutter speed down and was zoomed in with my telephoto not to mention fighting the wind that day. Noticed it was a little soft after the fact. MB1, I didn't use a diffuser on the train track shot. Sun was harsh from camera left. I usually use a shoot-thru umbrella for my outdoors shots but chose not to on this one.
Nice set of pictures Brian. Hope you get a lot more seniors to give you a shot at their photos.
Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??
Nikon Samurai #13
"A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.