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  1. #1
    Member Bretm1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Buzzards Bay, MA., USA

    More Butterflies

    Taken indoors at Boston's Museum of Science in the Butterfly Garden. I thought I was using the "macro" mode on my Canon SX 200is but I cant tell by the properties given if these are the ones in that mode.

    More Butterflies-img_0158-1.jpg

    More Butterflies-img_0161-2.jpg

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Denver Colorado Area

    Re: More Butterflies

    I don't know if is tack sharp but it is pretty shar. Given your comments I suspect you were not on a tripod. So not bad. Not the prettiest of butterflies, but the shots of them are nice.

  3. #3
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    Lebanon / The World

    Re: More Butterflies

    I think it's the lights reflecting of their wings that are giving this feeling of over-sharpening...I guess.

    Otherwise, the shots should appeal to people with an interest in butterflies... the problem for me here, is that I do not necessarily get the shot. Like daq said, these are not the most exciting of butterflies, unless there is something special about these in particular. In which case, it would be more interesting to have some text or extra information accompany the shots.

    It's nicely done for the location in question, I just don't find anything to critique.

    Hope that offers any form of insight! Any other butterflies? maybe something more colorful?

    As for "macro" mode, I am not sure if the camera sets it in the EXIF information, but after going through all of the info in the files (at least the first one) I don't think these are it... the info points to standard....

    "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de St-Exupery

    Kindly do NOT edit my photos - I would rather try and apply your advice and learn...

    My Ramblings....

  4. #4
    Member Bretm1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Buzzards Bay, MA., USA

    Re: More Butterflies

    Thanks. No tripod. I found out later that I had turned off the image stabilization (by mistake) in the camera and that didn't help. I'm pretty sure what appears to be a reflection on the wings is actually their color. I wish I had found out what they were.


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