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Excellent shot, I love the clouds and mountains. The color temperature of the bright spot in the clouds is a bit too warm for my tastes, would like to see a more white tone (not solid white, but closer to). The contrast in the clouds is also a bit excessive for my tastes, but not by much. I would also like to see the bikes on the left side of the shot, so they aren't pointing out of the frame.
Really amazing feel to this one. a tiny bit of yellow cast, but i guess that's understandable for that time of day. there's a tiny bit of a halo around the helmet that i think u can burn in a tiny little that would improve this.
overall, really nicely done!
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
This one could be a magazine ad. LOL Killer processing for certain, with that said I would like to see a version with you on the other side of the frame.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
I have come back to this shot about 10 times since you posted it and each time I like it more. I love the contrast in colors around the mountain top and the dramatic sky is obviously what drew you to take this shot. Nice eye on seeing the scene and capturing it so well.
Shooting with an Olympus Evolt E-510 and loving it
Very dramatic Daq. But strangely enough, I want to see more of the area under the bike, more parking lot that is (how's that ?). I do like the bikes, but, to me, they seem too simple a subject against the grand, mysterious mountains, sort of out-of-place. Ahh, what can you do...
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