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Thread: Moon

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Labrador, Canada


    Hi all I have been lurking for a few weeks and finally started taking a few pics again. I first got into Photograhy several years ago then slowly went the way of digital point and shoot. Picked up a Nikon D50 a couple of weeks ago and blew the dust off my 80-200 2.8ED. Last night I experimenting with shots of the moon. Looking to get better and used to my digital slr so let me have it. 1/160 f8 @ 200mm.

  2. #2
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Moon


    Glad to see another Canadian on the forums! This is an interesting shot and I like the way your cropped it as a panoramic. The moon is nice, and simplicity is the idea for this shot. Unfortunately, I'm seeing some white specs (?) and those take away from the moon. Clone those out and you've got a keeper.

    Welcome to the boards,


  3. #3
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Re: Moon

    stars? usually hot pixels only show up in long exposures. nonetheless, interesting crop. I like it because it's different than normal.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Labrador, Canada

    Re: Moon

    Thanks for the comments, it seems like you guys are not afraid to let people know exactly how you feel about photos in this critique forum. I appreciate honesty. Those white specs were my sad attempt to add something to this shot. It seemed a little boring to be there all alone in the black so I thought of adding those specs as "stars". My wife was not fond of it either, maybe I should listen to her. hahaha

  5. #5
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Moon

    Nice shot of the moon. I can't believe that you did this with a 200 mm lens!? But I guess the digital camera uses less of the len's area, so you effectively get a zoomed-in shot. (Still, wouldn't think you'd get that much.) The shutter speed you used was great, seeing how you got away with it, cause the moon didn't move and blur on you. Nice technical work overall. If you could have includes a hilltop in the foreground or something, I think that might have been a little more interesting however. Maybe you can do a dig stitching to make such a scene?

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Moon

    Hotshoe - here's what I mean about foreground. I drew this in CorelDraw recently for fun. Not saying you could easily do this for real, but I think that a foreground helps to place it.

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