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Thread: Monica

  1. #1
    Member markg740's Avatar
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    This is my girlfriend, she finally let me try some shots on her. Here is one of them, I am quite the fan of window light, it just seems so easy to look at. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!

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  2. #2
    I like it RAW Devin MacShawn's Avatar
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    Re: Monica

    I dig window lighting too. I'm glad you have enough detail in the left side of her face. It dosen't matter that much but I'd like the left background to be completly dark. And the right side of the photo... it's just blown out to the point where it's bulletproof. Yet the detail in the center section of the window is great. I'd have positioned the camera to get less of the right side.

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Monica

    I would use a reflector to fill in the side with no light. It doesnt have to be completely filled in of course - that would destroy the mood of the window. But a little fill wouldnt hurt.

    Note that using a tripod would make it sharper. The eyes should be the sharpest pt.
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