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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Models from Crystal Covergirl 2005 contest

    Hi guys, I joined a group of photographers during a photo shoot for a covergirl contest put on by a local mall. What do you think about these two shots? Thanks.
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  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    Re: Models from Crystal Covergirl 2005 contest

    l would like to see the models full length. Then we need to see more of the car! That car is one of the three or four best auto props for model photography ever.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: Models from Crystal Covergirl 2005 contest

    These otherwise beautiful shots are hindered by the hideous background. Unfortunately it's hard to avoid in this situation because if you get in closer and include less background you also include less car. In situations like these the only thing you could try is to get in as close as possible so that you can use lower apertures to blur out the background.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: Models from Crystal Covergirl 2005 contest

    i agree with gomm also i notice the flash on the models skin.

  5. #5
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Models from Crystal Covergirl 2005 contest

    Quote Originally Posted by stormrider
    Hi guys, I joined a group of photographers during a photo shoot for a covergirl contest put on by a local mall. What do you think about these two shots? Thanks.
    Like 'em, but its a case for an f/1.4 lens or some photoshop to blur the backgrounds. In the first one, I keep looking at that mermaid thing in the back. Alternatively, you could shoot them against the cars creatively.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Re: Models from Crystal Covergirl 2005 contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Lava Lamp
    Like 'em, but its a case for an f/1.4 lens or some photoshop to blur the backgrounds. In the first one, I keep looking at that mermaid thing in the back. Alternatively, you could shoot them against the cars creatively.
    Thanks guys for all the feedback.

    With the aperture issue that most mentioned ... I have a 50mm f1.4 lens, but I haven't used it a whole lot and I don't recall shooting wide open much at all - I guess I would be worried about depth of field with the model herself, would I need to worry much if I were taking a full body shot like some suggested?

    @ Themage, I used flash but now I own an omni bounce flash attachment which I will try on the 2006 photo shoot.

    @ gomm, yes it was hard in this situation, there was about 20 other photographers jockeying for position and unfortunately I am not as aggressive as some of them and also the previous year, the organizers had a backdrop which was good, I'm not sure what happened last year - I know some photographers were complaining about the background too, and they did move the car too.

    @ drg, I was in no man's land on this one .... as you mentioned I didn't get more of the cars and/or models, and in addition, the winning shots were all face shots of the cars - I was out to lunch on this one for sure LOL

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