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Thread: Model

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Recent model shoot.

    Name:  DSC_3254_Edit1_1200.jpg
Views: 238
Size:  159.2 KB

    Name:  DSC_3299_Edit1_Eff1_1000.jpg
Views: 95
Size:  247.8 KB
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  2. #2
    Ken ksbryan0's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    Pretty model, Greg, and I like her relaxed pose. I'm not too keen on the PP on the second shot, but do realize that will appeal to some people. I will hold my critique to the first image.

    The bright sky with no valuable features is distracting so I'd suggest cropping down to eliminate the sky altogether. I'd be tempted to push the exposure lighter overall, but then darken her right arm a bit, as the tone differential between arms is fairly significant. My initial thought is to not cut off her shoe, but the more I consider that, I don't think it is a big deal. Finally, I am pretty sure her left earring is showing up over her Adam's apple...seems to be something light colored there...I'd try to clone some of it out.

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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model

    Quote Originally Posted by ksbryan0 View Post
    Pretty model, Greg, and I like her relaxed pose. I'm not too keen on the PP on the second shot, but do realize that will appeal to some people. I will hold my critique to the first image.

    The bright sky with no valuable features is distracting so I'd suggest cropping down to eliminate the sky altogether. I'd be tempted to push the exposure lighter overall, but then darken her right arm a bit, as the tone differential between arms is fairly significant. My initial thought is to not cut off her shoe, but the more I consider that, I don't think it is a big deal. Finally, I am pretty sure her left earring is showing up over her Adam's apple...seems to be something light colored there...I'd try to clone some of it out.
    Ken - Thanks for the critique, at least on the first shot. I do understand that the processing won't appeal to all on the 2nd, but the original was a tad plain, hence, it needed 'something.' I don't believe it is 'done' yet, so was hoping for comments on how to make it better. Take a shot.

    With the first I did try cropping out the sky for the very reason you mention.. the problem was then it became a completely different image because it lost its depth and, to me, seemed flat. Try it and see what you think.

    I see what you mean on the tone difference on arms; not sure how that happened (unsure whether I used a flash on this one). I think it would have been better w/o the shoe cutoff. Alas, I did it. Agree on the earring, will try removing it.

    Thanks for the prompt response on this post!

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  4. #4
    Ken ksbryan0's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    Yeah, I see what you mean on the lower crop. How about either cloning in a different (but boring) sky, or drag a -1 Ev gradient through the sky and see if that helps?

    Looking at the other, my thought would be to try a B/W conversion instead. Working against a drab sky here is going to make it an uphill battle, but done right you might make her pop out of the frame.

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