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Thread: Model

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Shot today @ at model shoot. We went for the clean and simple look.

    C&Cs welcome. Not sure if I should have shown more legs, less, ?

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  2. #2
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    Re: Model

    Depends, what do you want to do, show off the sweater, it's just fine, if you want to show off her, more legs.

  3. #3
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    Agree with Byron. If you want to show off the sweater, leave it. Otherwise, I might've cropped somewhere below the knee. On the other hand, I think cropping out the jeans altogether would also look good...

    I really like what you've done, otherwise. Nice lighting. How did you get the white without detail? Did you light with strobes (and if so, how many?) and a backdrop? Did you cut out the background altogether? Both?

    I like the expression and the pose, too.

    I have less than zero experience with this kind of photography (though I really want to try it), so take my thoughts with a grain of sea salt. But from where I'm sitting, nice job.

  4. #4
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    GB, I think you should crop it. Nice work.
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  5. #5
    Kentucky Wildlife
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    Re: Model

    Strangely, when I alternately cover the top and the bottom of the picture, trying to imagine crops, I see a different exposure between them. Bottom looks fine, but top looks slightly overexposed.

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model

    Thks fellows. It was a "fashion" shoot but w/ me it's always about the model to some degree, as I prefer glamour over pure fashion, which is more about the clothes and latest trends. I have multiple shots of this scene and will look through them for one w/ more leg, but here's a version w/ slightly more cropping - does it look different enough from the first post to warrant another look?

    Dray, I was using another photographer's remote SB-800 flash on a light stand via wireless (Commander) mode on the shoot but I don't think I did in this shot. The location was an old ranch style set of bldgs and this is how it was painted. The white is mostly that, but I did clone out the slight evidence of texture on the bottom part of the white to create an infinite look - you like?

    And don't worry about not having experience w/ this stuff.. I don't have much either but am learning. I find a 50-50 blend, half educating myself via study and talking with others/classes, and the other half of just using my 'instincts' works well. If you're a scenic photographer & have an eye for composition and geometry it will help. It's not all about the models, it's also about the surroundings, colors, contrast, and so on (it's the model stuff like posing, outfit, etc that I need to work on .. !)

    Ron, I decreased the density a bit. Any different?

    I will work on more crops too.

    EDIT - I realized that I forgot to mention that the cast shadow is from a reflector we used at about 60 degrees or so.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member jkriminger's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    Greg..I'm seeing a soft face and sharp background..on the tech side.
    Please ask to edit photos and I'll do the same! :thumbsup:
    Thx, Rod

  8. #8
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model

    Quote Originally Posted by jkriminger
    Greg..I'm seeing a soft face and sharp background..on the tech side.
    err... I see it. I hope I didn't screw up the focus, as I did pretty much shoot all these wide open and that requires an exact focus. BUT !! .. one thing that I have to point out w/ this model is that of all the shots I have of her, and I have a few, her face never looks razor sharp in any of them (?!) I think her Asian ancestry - curves, skin quality, whatever - may cause this? it's a mystery.

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  9. #9
    Senior Member jkriminger's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    well her sweater is also sharp and thats up front so.. i guess just her look..?
    Please ask to edit photos and I'll do the same! :thumbsup:
    Thx, Rod

  10. #10
    Member chaman's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    Like the second one better.....and she is hot! LOL!

  11. #11
    LRPS Alison's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    Lighting and skin tones are lovely, as is her pose.
    I think a plain bg may have been better if you were focusing on the clothes.
    I am a little put off by the two tone bg and the centre line of it going straight down through her head.
    I am finding it a little distracting, taking my eye away from the beautiful model.
    And maybe the little bright dot on the end of her nose can be reduced by duplicating the layer, patch tool or heal the spot and then turn down the opacity of the layer. I have done that many times
    I hope that wasn't too harsh?

  12. #12
    Kentucky Wildlife
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    Re: Model

    Second one is better. Strange about the flesh tones. Does she wear makup?
    The two tone background bothers me a bit, too, and could be the reason you're having tone problems.

  13. #13
    LRPS Alison's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    What tone is bothering you GB?
    Don't forget she is wearing blue and one of her arms is in front of her face. If it's a blue hue you are getting, this could be the cause.

  14. #14
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model

    Thks Rod, the jury's still out. Chaman, will let her know how you feel, if I can word it right (ha ha).

    Alison - not too hard at all ! I agree with everything you point out here... I edited out that small lit area on her nose (great eye for seeing that). Yeah, plain would be perfect bg for fashion. I tend to aim for something between fashion and glamour - try for both, that is. I think if I went strictly with fashion that I would be bored very quickly. But I think great clothes on a model can really look snazzy. Btw, I did check all my shots and the line is there in every one of them. I guess it's either dedicate a weekend to a PS expt or live w/ it. Please see the Model 2 post I just made.

    I see what you're saying Ron about her skin tone. But I can say after two shoots w/ her that her tone is actually unique .. I don't believe I've seen any other person with that combination of tone and oily complexion, and in a good way... it's just difficult to photograph! I guess I need to consider this for next time if she is there again. Alison, which bg do you think would work w/ her?

    Here's the slight edit that Alison recommended.

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  15. #15
    Member chaman's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    LOL!! Please do!

  16. #16
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Model

    I like it, from my moniter it looks like it could stand a bit more red and green, if this is an SRGB profile change from an AdobeRGB shoot that might be why, also might be the excessive presence of dark blue.

    You know, there is one thing thats bothering me about it and I think it is that beam. The dark brown acrylic painted type beam just doesn't compliment her pose or her clothes at all. I like the girl, pose and angle, but that beam is not doing it for me.

  17. #17
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model

    Quote Originally Posted by Anbesol
    I like it, from my moniter it looks like it could stand a bit more red and green, if this is an SRGB profile change from an AdobeRGB shoot that might be why, also might be the excessive presence of dark blue.

    You know, there is one thing thats bothering me about it and I think it is that beam. The dark brown acrylic painted type beam just doesn't compliment her pose or her clothes at all. I like the girl, pose and angle, but that beam is not doing it for me.
    Anbesol, I see what you mean about complimentary colors. Not sure what would be ideal though .. but I agree that the sienna color there is a bit 'classical' and not so fashion-oriented.

    I'd like to shoot her again, but in a studio ...
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