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love the red of #2, good stability good comp, undecided about the dodge on the left though.
#1 is remarkably steady for that type of shot. Not quite steady enough for my taste though, A similar effect can be achieved if you use a manual zoom lens on an SLR and a tripod, zoom while exposing the shot. (if that's not possible, it might be beneficial to secure the camera in the car somehow when you're moving, so at least the dash is sharp)
EDIT: I thought that looked familiar. Where's #2 taken? Looks familiar. Stony point rd? (shoulder seems narrow though)
Forever to upload?? it shouldn't but then again it depends on your connection...
The first has some very nice colors... but not so sure it works as well as the second....
the second would be better without the car, a crop from the left, would be better (even with the shadow of the car included) and that white streak in the center of the image is bothersome....and you need to watch the horizon, it needs to be level...
Its always fun to play with slow shutter and light streaks.... keep it up....
looking forward to the others
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de St-Exupery
Kindly do NOT edit my photos - I would rather try and apply your advice and learn...
Thanks for the awesome advice! I never thought of that! We wanted to see the effect that cars lights had on the picture (a little experiment) The road in the second picture is in Moorpark CA. I'm not sure of the name. Its the old Moorpark Road that connects Moorpark with Thousand Oaks and Camarillo.