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Interesting shot. I love your shots, and this one is a just a great reflection of that. A nice strong comp, and interesting subject elements. My one critique would be it's a tad bright, so I'd recommend darkening it. I know you'd lose a little in the tunnel affect, but I think it would be good, especially for the sky and the building in the foreground on the right.
These slices and corners of the city are your strength - and this one is no exception. Very enjoyable and I too would suggest a burning-in of the tall buildings in the background.
I continue to be intrigued by your views of HK. This is another that really shows the paradox between the facets of life there with the tall buildings and the back alleys.
Almost looks as if the one man is holding up the post until someone else comes along and helps.
There's a leisurely pace in this picture I don't normally associate with HK that I sort of like!
Hi drg,
I enjoy your interpretation which make the photo more interesting.. Do you often travel to Hong Kong? Hope to see your photos of the city.