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  1. #1
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Mennonite meetinghouse

    Just got back from a trip home to PA to see the folks and managed to get a few shots in, between the raindrops.

  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: Mennonite meetinghouse

    I had forgotten about Mennonites, probably because there are no congregations within several hundred miles, so I looked them up and think they've got some very positive ways.
    Your pictures show their rejection of seeking power and wealth quite well though the darkness makes it hard to make out what I'm looking at.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  3. #3
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Rome Ga.

    Re: Mennonite meetinghouse

    I think the second image works much better than the first. You might try lowering the exposure on the window, but still very good for the difficult lighting situation.
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  4. #4
    Drive by shooter susaan's Avatar
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    Re: Mennonite meetinghouse

    Ok,jumping in here-correct me if this is not a help-I liked the idea a lot,played with it-

    Thought black and white might help emphasize the lack of clutter in a life stripped down to the bare essentials-allowing light to shine in and illuminate what is left.

    (My editing is very basic-would have liked more detail from the wood grain in the floor-and more subtle light from the window-and its a first time attempting to edit another member's photo.)

    I met Mennonites,for the first time,in S.Antonio,searching for a midwife who would'nt turn my first birth into a circus,as had some health issues a the time.Ann was fantastic,sorted me out a treat-my family learned deep respect for her faith.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Mennonite meetinghouse-meetinghouse3_sm.jpg  

    " Got Soul, but I'm Not a Soldier "
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  5. #5
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Ft. Lauderdale

    Re: Mennonite meetinghouse

    I had hoped to convey the harsh simplicity that is their lifestyle. They are not quite so strict as the Amish and Quakers, but not far from it. I have a number of photos of the outside of the building also, but most are diminished by shadows of nearby powerlines. This particular example predates the revolutionary war, and I got some shots of hand carved headstones dating back to 1729 from its cemetary across the road.

    Susaan actually you post/edit was quite helpful as it gave me the basic idea, which I can now take further in PP by adjusting some things (I also have some other similar interior shots at various settings I may be able to work with)

  6. #6
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    London England

    Re: Mennonite meetinghouse

    You've done a good job. I personally prefer the colour version of the first one - the warm colours of the wood are lovely, especially with the light playing across them. You've handled the contrasts very well. My one problem is not your fault not diminishes from your images: it would be hard to tell what it all was unless you had told us - not sure how you would get around that one though, apart from finding an old Bible and putting on the bench.

    Mike Dales ARPS
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