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  1. #1
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    Went back out today to shoot some more for this series. Brought the Rolleicord this time. This was my first outing with the Rollei in full daylight and you can see a good bit of difference with shooting with an uncoated lens. I did some levels adjustments on these. Anyway, what do you guys think?

    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  2. #2
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    I don't know what adjustments you have made but it looks as though you nailed the exposure. Your scans look very clean as well. I see improvment.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

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  3. #3
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    not sure but i was roaming around the book shop today looking for help !! and i thought that i saw a book of photographs by sammy davis jr. and on the front he looked like he was using one.

    i was i dreamin'

  4. #4
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    Thanks Greg I feel like I am starting to get more of a feel to it but, still see tons of room for improvement. Just got in a couple Bay 1 filters for the Rollei and Yashica. Next up is to start working with those.

    Quote Originally Posted by threelions usa
    not sure but i was roaming around the book shop today looking for help !! and i thought that i saw a book of photographs by sammy davis jr. and on the front he looked like he was using one.

    i was i dreamin'

    Would this be the book you are referring to? The is a Rollei but, it's the higher end Rolleiflex, not a Rolleicord. Man, I wish I could afford one of the higher end 3.5's or 2.8's As a side note, here's an interesting article about him and the book.
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  5. #5
    MB1 is offline
    The Skeptical Photographer MB1's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    I like the bucket and the post images the best, the other two have too much contrast for me. In addition to good exposure and contrast with the bucket and post there still is the element of abandoned man made objects in the woods that you have in your gravestone shots.
    No, I DON'T need that.

  6. #6
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    I agree with you on the contrast. They ended up having a bit more than I anticipated. This was my first outing with an uncoated lens in full daylight. Something I'll have to keep in mind for next time. I know you like color but, I had already used up the one roll of color film I brought with me by the time I got to this location
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  7. #7
    Member DrRoebuck's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    I agree the exposure is perfect. Great shadow detail.
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  8. #8
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    Thanks DR
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  9. #9
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    Aaron - Good work on the exposures. Really makes the shots.

    # 1 doesn't work for me (too bright of a background) but the rest are good. I like # 2 mostly because of the leaves on the stone adds a nice touch. It still has a bit too much contrast for me. I think if you cropped out the tree stump it would be better (though I bet others would disagree). # 3 is well done but I wish there was some water dripping into the bucket.

    As for # 4 as MB said there are man made elements here, and this signifies one big time. However I think you could have thought of something a little more creative in your arrangement... what about the pipe leaning against the tree??? Sorry in advance for harping , but when one takes shots like this (and especially in black and white) they should tell some sort of a story... not sure if there's one here. It's still a good shot, but mostly an exercise in exposure.

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  10. #10
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    Thank you very much for the input GB Unfortunately, I didn't quite realize how much contrast I would end up getting in these shots. The uncoated lens, or maybe it's just the Xenar design, adds a bit more over the Yashinon of the Yashica, or maybe it's just me and I misjudged The "stump" that is in #2 is actually another gravestone. There's a different angle of this shot in my previous thread of this. These are all shot just as I found them. #3 was a maple syrup bucket bucket at the base of a tree and #4 was a post from the burial plot that was resting against a tree facing right into the sun.

    NEVER a need to apologize for harping. Please harp at will. This is the critique forum and I am here to learn :thumbsup:

    Thanks Again,
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  11. #11
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    Aaron, that's the book.

    sorry i didn't realise the difference between the camera's..


    i was a bit pushed for time when i was at the book shop but having read the little blurb i will certainly take a look next time.

    however, the guy who compiled it gave monroe at a party TWO YEARS after she DIED ??

    poor compiling and editing i would suggest...

    SD jr. was a most fascinating person though as were his crowd AND the times he ran with them..

    once heard him remark when asked about his golf game: what's your handicap ? i'm a one eyed jewish negro..

    brilliant (if true).

  12. #12
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    Quote Originally Posted by threelions usa
    ...sorry i didn't realise the difference between the camera's...
    I couldn't have told you the difference a month ago...LOL

    That book has me intrigued. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for one on Ebay. Thanks for the recommendation 3L :thumbsup:

    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    houston, texas, u.s.a

    Re: Memories Of Days Gone By 2

    followed a few links and apparently s.d. jr. sent lord snowdon a camera way back when.

    they never met apparently but seemingly the camera just arrived.

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