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off-topic will be removed. much going on...I could spend hours looking at everything...all of the reflections in the window...the customers inside the coffee shop?...the bottles on the wall...etc...and the gentleman on the bench is really neat...I like his shoes....hehe...I don't think this would have worked in color!!!
Very excellent...
You are quite the master of street photography! This one works for me on so many different levels it would be difficult to start. Keep up the qood work!
Perhaps theres a little too much going on for me IMHO. I would crop out half the people to give a feeling of anonymity - they're still part of the picture, but they won't distract the viewer. Great shot.
I have to keep coming back to this shot. The others have already mentioned much of how I feel about this and I was thinking that there is no need for me to repeat what has already been said.
I think this is so strong because it gives us stories in all the little hints it contains as well as the unusual pose of the main character.
I want to know how all these folks came to be here as they are - the group of three at the right hand table and what they are discussing - what's that lone women reading? is she usually by herself? - how that man was sitting there since before the rain started and what's he waiting for and thinking while he waits. I'd like to see this scene at other times during that day and other days.
...maybe I need to read some Wilder.