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The foreground interest and the colors in the image are very good. I think you managed the range of tones very well. The composition is nice with 2/3 water 1/3 sky. I don't think the boat fits in well for me. the light is distracting from what I think is a serene scene otherwise. I would consider pulling magenta's down just a wee bit as well. Nice work.
i'm sort of torn on the boat, if it wasn't there it would be a whole lot of blue with nothing else in it, but agree it is a bit too bright and pulls attention from the water pouring of the rocks
Boat or no boat is a tough one. It disrupts the tranquility, but it also contributes a narrative ("green light on the bay," etc.) I'm really not sure which way I'd go with this.
The lower third of the image is the strongest portion. Those rocks are fantastic.
I like it in general Liban, but I think the sky is a tad too bright, overpowering the rest of the image. Maybe you can apply a gradual darkening that darkens the top area and leaves the bottom unaffected. Also, I wish the shape of the dominant rock in the left forefront was more unusual. It just looks too rectangular to me, making the image a little less mysterious than it potentially could be.. not sure what you could do about that, however.
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