A few shots of the Maasai, a nomadic and carnivorous African tribe that has not adapted to modern technology and herds cattle through the savannas in Tanzania (and elsewhere). You see them the Serengeti plain, though I didn't see any in the park itself (probably by design), herding their cattle and living in temporary encampments. We stopped at one of them, payed them $100 for a tour and saw a dance demo, a camp tour, and an opportunity to throw their spears (which I flubbed and actually broke mine, which I don't think they appreciated). They apparently use the American dollars to buy medicine, etc.
The shots are OK but I don't think I have any award winners. Me and a few others went inside one of their shelters, which is made of thorny thickets and other stuff they find. The fellow here (in the following post, with additional shots) was one of the two who spoke English (how did he learn it? Just on the fly I suppose).
C&Cs welcome.