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I'm not particularly getting 'loneliness' from any of them, but I like the first the most. I think it is because I can see her face. Also, if the horizon is cut off the top, the photo becomes just about her - not necessarily better, but completely different to me.
They are very hard to see individually like this. It would be much better if they were 'attached' with some space between them or had a border.
I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.
I agree, #1 but with the horizon cropped off. She doesn't care about the ocean and looks quite determined. She is annoyed by the beach and even though it's in bright sun, she's shaded. The buoy takes away from her face/expression.
I think I like the last one the best. I don't like the crop in the first two. I think you should have included her whole body. the only problem with three is the horizon cutting through her head. Try a high contrast B&W with the last one.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
I would lean toward the second. The subject is a little dark in the first and the third doesn't show her face. In the second she seems to have a more wistful expression and is a little brighter.
OK taking all comments into consideration #1 re cropped and #3 in B&W with more ocean
(FWIW I couldn't include the feet on the first two because there was a huge drop off in between us, would have preferred getting whole body, but couldn't pull it off)
Yep, The B&W is the keeper. IMO. See if the horizon is leaning right just a touch..... Did you edit the water off of her head or did you just have another shot?
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
I like the last one best.
I do think that if you want to portray loneliness that you need a lot more surroundings,(beach and water), with the person being smaller in the setting.
These are puzzling to me because I can't decide what to make of them. Are they a moody scene? Nice seascapes with a person in the frame? I don't know. The woman's expression seems a bit disturbing to me, like she's upset about something. I'm not seeing the loneliness part, just distress. I like the energy of the water and how calm she is next to it. Good compressed DOF by you. Do the shots seem a little too blue ?
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With all the comments about not getting the "loneliness" thing, perhaps I need to rethink the title. I did get the vibe that she was definitely in her own world with something big on her mind. Don't think she even noticed I was there (and we were the only two people on that section of beach at the time).
The extra water came from another shot when she was a bit further down the beach (but didn't have the canted head showing the side of the face) just layed over top and blended in.
As far as being too blue...I don't think the B&W one is too blue Color temp is a tough call on these as you have direct sun in the background and shade on the subject - about 1000 deg different on the Kelvin scale, so to get one right you adversely effect the other unless I split the elements into layers then recompile after individual adjustments. Not sure they're fantastic enough to warrant all that work...
Jet, I'm not feeling lonliness either with these, but i see it after reading the title.
I think the first one speaks to me the most. I like the entire image with no crop. Her face looks determined and perhaps unsettled about something and it is mimicked well with the turbulent tides and crashing waves.