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Thread: LongForgotton

  1. #1
    Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Mexia, Texas, USA


    I was messing about in the backyard, and came across this old garden plow, barely discernable in the overgrowth at the fence line. I thought it might make a bit of a statement, what do you think?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails LongForgotton-longforgotton.jpg  

  2. #2
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron
    I was messing about in the backyard, and came across this old garden plow, barely discernable in the overgrowth at the fence line. I thought it might make a bit of a statement, what do you think?


    I think the plow has some potential as a subject, but this composition isn't doing anything for me. I find the out of focus weeds in the FG to be way too distracting. I would reshoot this subject from a dif. point of view and try to avaoid some of the distractions.

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  3. #3
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    Quote Originally Posted by mjs1973

    I think the plow has some potential as a subject, but this composition isn't doing anything for me. I find the out of focus weeds in the FG to be way too distracting. I would reshoot this subject from a dif. point of view and try to avaoid some of the distractions.
    I agree. The weeds are too distracting, yet the potential is huge.

    Would love to see a reshoot,


  4. #4
    Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    My thoughts too on the weeds - but at the time no way to avoid them - come-along spring, when I have a fit of industriousness (doesn't happen often ;) ), I will clean it out some and give it another go. Thanks for the comments!

  5. #5
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    so cool that you can just discover stuff like that in your backyard!
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  6. #6
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    I would agree here that the out of focus brush and growth in the foreground is taking away from the shot. I'm not sure this is a good point of view for this plow anyway. Just wondering, if perhaps this same shot might be stronger by focusing on the foreground brush and the "subject" would be slightly out. Dof is stronger from focal point to bg so by focusing on the foreground, we would have the effect of peeking in as you did and seeing the plow which would be in fair focus especially if you were to stop down the aperture somewhat. just a thought.
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  7. #7
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    Close, but I find my eye drawn to the interesting reflection. I also find the handle running from corner to corner a problem - that's one more way we usually don't want to split the frame in half. This is a worthy subject and I hope you post some more shots taken at different angles. Maybe try some real low angles too.

  8. #8
    Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    Thanks all for the replies - actually I think y'all are conspiring to get me to clean up that fence line! ;) I'll see what some different points of view, perspectives and so on will produce when I can get back out there and it dries up a bit, unfortunately the interesting reflection in the little puddle with go away with time, but the old plow itself will remain. I hadn't thought of letting the foreground be the prime focus -- interesting, I'll have to give that a try too. Thanks again for all the help!

  9. #9
    Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: LongForgotton

    OK, y'all got my curiosity up, so we have had one of those beautiful Texas spring days in the middle of winter and I went out and took a few more different views -- let me know what you think -- also added in one I thought was interesting of a leaf.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails LongForgotton-longforgotten2.jpg   LongForgotton-longforgotten3.jpg   LongForgotton-longforgotten4.jpg   LongForgotton-leaf.jpg  

  10. #10
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: LongForgotton

    Interesting shots. I'm definately liking these compared to the first one you posted. My only 'critique' would be that on the second one in the new batch, the subject just looks like a stick coming out of the bush. Other then that great shots,


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