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I like it, though I wish there was more of the tree! The color and tone is awesome, and I love the "mystic" feel.
Nice shot,
Thanks Jared , the cropped of tree was intentional as i wanted to create a mysterial feel (when you can't see everthing) to the pic ;)
This image was taken with velvia then converted to monotone and probably that gives the pic a richer tonality ... Thanks again
This is a beautiful, quiet shot. Feels like a Zen garden.
Is the blur on the water due to mist or motion of the water in a longer exposure?
Thanks Chunk , you're right ... It's due to the motion of the water , this shot was exposed for 20 secs , it was day time and a 5 stops ND was used in order to "slow" down th shutter ....
This is so cool. I don't know about zen like, because I think I would be running in this world rather than relaxing (meaning it's got a sort of scary feel to it for me). But it really is a great image.
This one doesn't seem as lonesome as the other, more like its testing the water.
Nice, but I wish it was a little sharper. The lack of anything in the left side of the photo is a slight issue with me, but I can see that you wanted it like that to create the mood... It just seems a little sparse overall. But it is still a successful shot. Nice eye. GB