Photo Critique Forum

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Thread: Lone Surfer.

  1. #1
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sweet home Ala... Florida

    Lone Surfer.

    This was taken from the new pier on Jacksonville beach, Fla. This guy must have sat in this very position for 15 minutes waiting for his next set.

    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
    ~Ernest Hemingway~

  2. #2
    learning member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    niles mi us

    Re: Lone Surfer.

    Almo, nice shot.
    Nice long lens compression, grainy grity newspaper feel, convays isolation, but it need's a caption. Could be brittanny Spears out to catch a wave in the nude. Hard to tell that its a man. Looks to me like he just saw something scary, and the next frame I'll see an empty board upside down with Nessies serpentine hump disapearing under the waves!
    It makes me wonder what he's doing and what he's looking at, and thats a good thing!

  3. #3
    Member CarbonTerry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    St Louis, MO, USA

    Re: Lone Surfer.

    Good job
    A little burning on the upper third and the lower corners would help keep the eye to the center of interest.
    IMHO a great photo only needs a caption to tell the viewer what/where/when/who/etc., the pic was made.
    If you have to explain WHY by giving it some gimmicky title you made it, you didn't do a good enough job to begin with.
    It has to stand alone as a piece of art.
    Can you imagine the Mona Lisa as "My girlfriend/boyfriend after we got home from the sex toy store" ?????

  4. #4
    learning member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    niles mi us

    Re: Lone Surfer.

    After reading Carbon Terry's reply, I feel like a braying jackass. My comments were ment to be "lighthearted". Unfortunately I had no constructive critisism to bear. It is a strong image, but it doesen't do much for me. Could you tell me why you posted it, and what do you think of it?
    My brain is not wired to art. This could be a masterpiece hanging in a museum, or it could be a cropped snapshot from someone w/a point & shoot.
    this post is more about my relationship w/this site & making appropriate replies, or critisisms, than it is about you're image.

  5. #5
    Member CarbonTerry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    St Louis, MO, USA

    Re: Lone Surfer.

    My comments are a reflection of my style/education/experiences and not meant to embarrass or degrade anyone else's views. We will not move forward in our pursuits if we don't hear/listen to comments with which we do not agree. Just hearing"Great photo", "Nice job!", etc. will cause us to regress in all endeavors.
    My comments are meant to be a critique. A critique also includes positive input on how to improve. I think my replies do this. No one has to agree with me, but to refuse to consider my ideas limits your chance of making improvemnts in the craft of photography.
    All said, I did not take yor last post as criticism of me but just wanted to give this forum a glimpse into my consciousness.

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