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My only little nitpick is I wish he was wearing a darker sweatshirt as he washes out a little into the background.
Oh, it's definitely a nitpick
Just teasing
But, look at here eyes. She's watching him! Talk about timing. From her eyes to his eyes to...are those fingers at the lower right hand corner of the photo?
Great timing as she does appear to be watching him.
I thought lower right was Muslim woman and daughter or something.
Might bump the saturation a little.
My only little nitpick is I wish he was wearing a darker sweatshirt as he washes out a little into the background.
I tried darkening the sweatshirt a little in post and replaced the image. Does it help?
AE - Thanks. I also like the eyes watching him. I did get lucky with the timing. Yes, those are fingers in the lower right.
Frog - Thanks for the nice feedback. I understand on the saturation, but I actually toned it down to try to play into a more somber mood. With the colors and light on the wall, it was pretty bright.
Edit - I checked and it looks like you have to click through to the larger image to see the darker sweatshirt. I'm not sure why the reduced size image didn't get updated when the original did.
It works for me, except I think if you could go back to this scene and wait for a different subject to walk by, such as a little old lady or a religious man, mother with child looking up, etc, might have a stronger relation and impact between the graffitti and passerby. Are the dark edges shadows falling on the wall, or also graffitti? It sort of frames the scene like a vignette but maybe a bit heavy.
Still and yet a good shot. i saw this when you posted it up in the gallery and liked it when it displayed there as well.
good work
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I tried darkening the sweatshirt a little in post and replaced the image. Does it help?...
Yes, much better on his back. I might try burning in his belly a bit too. I agree with Gary. This scene is definitely worth a revisit to try and capture a more out of place person.
Aaron Lehoux * flickr
Please do not edit my photos, thank you.
Gary - Thanks for commenting. There are trees around this area and that's what's casting the shadows around the edges. I hadn't thought about getting a different subject, but that's a good idea. I was just happy to have someone walk through .
jgredline - I'm happy that you like it.
Aaron - I'm glad I'm getting closer. Sounds like a return trip is in order.
Definitely worth a revisit. Grafitti like this is a photgraphic gift! I do find the shadowing too harsh though - it distracts I think. Flat, shadowless light might work better. You could also try a slow shutter speed to get a little blur on the passer-by?
Nicely done image. Composition is good, the person stands out pretty well against the background. It's good in that the painted image of the woman seems to be watching him - great moment.
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Mike - Thanks for commenting. Are you saying that I should have the wall in sharp focus while the passerby is blurred?
MB - I went back and looked at the histogram and see a little clipping on the blacks, but nothing on the highlights. I too would have liked to have more of the dude, but I really didn't have time to set up much. I'll keep that in mind when I go back.