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This is such a pretty flower picture they look like they're growing wild in a field! I didn't know you could get the February blahs in San Diego GB. I love the non-traditional composition of this. Your DOF is just beautiful with this! Lovely.
Thanks Denny and CL. I had to crop out the bottom third because my $2000 Nikon scanner decided to inject a multi-colored hortizontal line across the there (it's not visible to me on the slide...). I had to use a wide open aperature because I needed the speed, but afterwards I realized that this was actually a good thing to do!
CL, I shot this somewhere down near Old Towne Alexandria. We don't get the winter blues in SD, for halariously, the very short "winter" here merges into spring about mid Feb... I expect the flowers and jasmine to appear any day now. But I do sort of miss the traditional seasons... they made for some well-rounded photography.
I really enjoy this as well. Because it's a great image AND because it's reminding me it's almost spring. WOOHOO!!
I love, love, love shallow DOFs on images like this. The flowers stand out so cleanly and clearly. And I like how you chose to shoot them, from the side rather than the typical head on. Nicely seen and captured.