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Great detail in the shadow areas, so the exposure is on, but there's something funky going on with the light in this one. Looks like the key light may have been a bit high, but I'm not sure. The shadow across her left eye and that heavy shadow along the crease of her left cheek are bothering me about this one... Maybe if she'd have tilted her chin up a bit more, it would have helped.
Great detail in the shadow areas, so the exposure is on, but there's something funky going on with the light in this one. Looks like the key light may have been a bit high, but I'm not sure. The shadow across her left eye and that heavy shadow along the crease of her left cheek are bothering me about this one... Maybe if she'd have tilted her chin up a bit more, it would have helped.
Hmm. Close I would think. Seems to have a fashion feel about it, even though it's glamour. Not sure her mood is right for the scene, as it seems like she's upset or tired. Very wide smile she has and I think that it would balance out better if her hair was farther out from her head - it probably is normally, but w/ her pulling it against her neck etc, it loses that. A MUA would help - spray it, put body on it, .. Would be great like that. Nice neutral tones. The lighting is OK but a tad on the even/plain side. I defer to Jet on that!
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