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Went out for a quick hike with some new film to try out. Came across a good deal on Ilford HP5+ and snagged 40 rolls for $60 Anyway, there was a little boardwalk that had some cool light falling on it so I decided to try and play with it a bit.
Aaron Lehoux * flickr
Please do not edit my photos, thank you.
Love this, Aaron. The lighting is great and your perspective as well. I absolutely like the focal point you chose here. The blurry foreground sets a mood for me, and the focus on the deeper area of the scene pulls me in.
Great work, Aaron.
I really like this Aaron, though I wonder what it would look like if you had used a deep DOF and gotten everything in sharp focus. Great lighting
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Thanks G Unfortunately I didn't have my tripod with me I think this was 1/60s @ f/8. Even stopping down to f/22, I don't think I would have been able to get the whole scene in focus.
Aaron Lehoux * flickr
Please do not edit my photos, thank you.
Aaron, what like about this one is the feeling of where it leads to. I think the tones and contrast are great, although I think you could have cropped off the bottom up to the second plank.
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