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Thread: letting go

  1. #1
    Member mondo1090's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    letting go

    ok, so im new to this and this is my first picture im posting, and i know its not really good at all, so give me all the advice you can

  2. #2
    is back jar_e's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: letting go


    Welcome to the boards first off! It's always great to have more people posting and learning from the boards. In regards to your picture...just what is it she's letting go of? I love the potential of this, and it has a neat, almost random, feel to it, but there's a few things I'd adjust on this particular shot. I would try to include the whole body, using the rule of thirds, and also try to include all the "stuff" she's throwing. This would not only add continuity to the shot but also make things more balanced. The colors are a tad bland (I'm guessing it was overcast), but I think you could turn this into a black and white and see how it turns out. A nice shot, a few things to work on, but a good first shot!

    Welcome to the boards,


  3. #3
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: letting go

    Welcome to the forum!

    I like the fact that the figure is cropped but agree that there is too much action on the right hand side of the image, or rather, not enough to hold the interest of the viewer elsewhere in the image.

    I like the ripple in the water and wonder if you maybe tried this again if you A) captured the impact of the stones on the water surface or B) took the same image but had someone else drop a larger object into the water while the smaller stones were still in the air, you might create more of a scene to keep the attention of your audience.

    Very creative and like the idea, hope to see more from you soon

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