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Oldschool -
Nice photo...but Don already mention the most obvious flaw. This kinda kills what would have been a great shot, IMHO.
You have good composition and the colors are great. I like how all the horses are included and you did a good job of capturing the moment. The inclusion of your daughters face would have made this a great photo...but that ear really bothers me.
I also like the horse in the background that looks like it is taking a break by leaning against the wall
Looks like a fun day.
I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice.
Minor White
Thanks for the good comments. I didn't even notice the ear!
I think I didn't because I was more interested in the lead horse here as my subject. He was just so antsy to get going. It's his mood that struck me.
PT, that colt in the background is tied up there. When we getting ready to go, five horses broke free from the pasture. They pranced around us for a while, showing off their freedom to those being saddled before they were led back. The colt was a bit too unwilling to cooperate. So, he got tied up! Something to think about with the kids :^).