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Thread: Lens Flare

  1. #1
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Lens Flare

    Bad, good, or doesn't matter? It's bugging me. This is what you get shooting into the sun with a super-wide and no lens shade. Might have even happened with a lens shade. Sometimes you have to just take what you can get. There weren't a lot of options here. I could try to Photoshop it out. But I thought I should get some other opinions first.

    That's Lake Isabella about 5000 feet down there. And yeah - we got to ride all the way down
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lens Flare-_mg_4027-edit.jpg  

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  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    Feels like it might be a little crooked, doesn't it? I think I over-straightened the horizon.

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  3. #3
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    What a beautiful view and location. Must be one heck of a great ride down. I see no tilt. I like the lens flare and the diffused lighting from the flare as well . I always feel that the things we usually try to avoid, such as lens flare, blown out skies, highlights that are blown out, shadows with no detail etc. can sometimes be an asset to a picture in that it sets a mood or just an overall pleasing aesthetic. I like the lens flare here because it is like I'm standing in the scene with the sun almost directly in my eyes and I'm feeling the location and the moment because of it. I also like very much how you framed this shot with the trail coming out of the lower right corner, the mountains in the distance high up in the frame with just a hint of sky . For me, it works well here. Good shot.
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  4. #4
    Capturing Life Frame by Frame Tangletamergirl65's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    Ok so I feel terribly under-qualified to comment but here goes....Kind of like critiquing your teacher or something...You think it's crooked?? Hmm...I dunno...Maybe I'm blind or something cause I don't see that. I like the way the scene opens up the further into it you look. Sort of pulls you in. The flare, well I personally don't mind flare if it doesn't cover up an interesting thing in the pic or isn't too "loud". I have some I like that I don't post because I know some on this site will pick it apart. I just enjoy them selfishly... I don't happen to be that structured. I like the fact that some pics AREN'T perfect and have a kind of action or in the moment look to them. The fact that you captured such a beautiful view is really very nice. :thumbsup:

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Lens Flare

    amazing view, im more jealous of the ride down that you recieved....the pictures is good in my opinion although it would be so much better without the flare.

    IMO it should be photo shopped out
    Brian O' Canon

  6. #6
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare


    I wish there was a bit more dust being kicked up from the tyre of the bike.

    I find the blue flare an interesting diversion and looks like Supermans symbol. However, I can't decide if it would be better with or without it.

    One bit I would add a very little dodge tothe shaded area to get a bit more detail in there if you can.

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  7. #7
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: Lens Flare

    The flare doesn't bother me a bit....I think it adds to the "from the riders point of view" effect.

    The horizon now that you mention it probably is a little off but I didn't notice it at first glance.

    Not getting riding photos exactly perfect is as good an excuse as any to get back there again.

  8. #8
    A bit eccentric pez31's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare


    Great image! I will be one of those that say Photoshop it out. Not because I need a homogeneously perfect image, but it is too close to the rider and fights against the background. I am not a big fan of Photoshopping things out but here I would make an exception.



  9. #9
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    To me the flare is a little distracting. I do like the rays of light that you've got coming from the side of the frame.

    The rider/trail looks straight, but yea the backgroud does look a little off.

    So where is this 5000ft downhill at?
    Nikon Samurai #21


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  10. #10
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    I say Good...
    Having ridden in similiar conditions I have seen flares like that out of the corner of my eye.
    I don't think it detracts at all.
    I say leave it, the flare and the horizon, it looks perfectly natural to me.
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  11. #11
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    I like it. The slight distraction of the flare reminds me of how difficult it is to actually enjoy such a beautiful scene when flying down the mountain with the sun in your eyes, eating dust and hoping not to die.

    You must have been moving pretty fast to get to the lake before dark.

    So jealous....


  12. #12
    Insert something witty here.. yogestee's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    John,,,great view and aerial perspective..The lens flare isn't too bad but a tad distracting IMHO..I wouldn't have noticed the horizon if you hadn't point it out..

    BTW,,,how can you "over straighten" a horizon?? :blush2:

    Falang dung nyai

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  13. #13
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your comments. It seems that the general concensus is no concensus. Which pretty much leaves me where I started in respect to the flare. I guess I'm going to sit on it some more. Since I think it will be pretty hard to remove / minimize, I'm likely to leave it as-is. Unfortunately, I had others but I was working fast as riders rode through and this was the only sharp one. That's the way these things go. Once they took off, that was that.

    The horizon isn't bothering me so much today. I'm really not sure whether it's crooked or not. There's a dam in the back of the lake and that's what I was using for reference, since the trees are going all over the place. But it feels better today than it did last night.

    Thanks again for your comments!

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  14. #14
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    If I can chime in late (sorry - been traveling most of the day today):

    I say the flare (the shape it is and where it is) is distracting. As for the tilt - I see an ever so slight clockwise tilt - but I didn't see it until you mentioned it.

    FWIW, my Canon 17-40 f/4L exhibits flare something awful - even with the lens shade on and filters off.

    Love how you captured the rider "coming out of the shadows". And the distant hills are gorgeous.

    Oh, do you ever capture such wonderful scenes withOUT a rider present in every shot?
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  15. #15
    Coastal Flyer Coastal Flyer's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    A late jump on the dog pile too....

    I like it just the way it is. I scroll down to the photo, get my own impressions and then read the comments. I too would not have noticed the horizon until I read the comments. As for the lens flare, sometimes a little flare can add to the whole moment. This is an action shot, an outdoor shot, things are moving, the sun is setting, woo-hooo!! The lens flare makes for part of the story.

    Nothing like a little dirt in the face, adrenline rushing to cleanse the soul.


    P.S. By the way, any tips on how to keep your camera free of dirt and dust in these situations?
    Coastal Flyer


  16. #16
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    Quote Originally Posted by Loupey
    Oh, do you ever capture such wonderful scenes withOUT a rider present in every shot?
    Those are called "test shots." I throw them away

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  17. #17
    Member brianc's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare

    It's not crooked. I felt it was off as well based on the lake without reading this is what threw you off. What I think really makes it feel tilted, for me, is knowing what it's like standing/riding on a bench cut like that is we all tend to lean slightly towards the hill. that makes us think the drop is steeper than it really is. Since the lake seems to slant the same direction your eye wants to re-adjust for the lean.

    As for the flare...i like in in theory just not in the case. if it were placed in a location that added to the image, created an intresting line or highlighted the main subject I would really like it. in this case it takes away like others have mentioned.

    But when your buds are racing the sun down a 5000' DH, you're lucky to have gotten even this shot. it's keeper.

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