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  1. #1
    Senior Member arne saknussen's Avatar
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    Lego...The Beginning

    I would love your thoughts on this one.

    Lego...The Beginning-lego-beginning.jpg

  2. #2
    Senior Member hminx's Avatar
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    Perhaps a different crop so the block is more diagonal in the frame. Nice lighting and sharp, maybe a little too much of the block is sharp though.

    Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...

    I have no issues with you editing my photos

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    What is the intent with this photo? Is it just a lighting exercise or is there a message? I ask because it's always good to ask ourselves what our motives are with a photo. Sometimes we haven't really thought it out. And if we aren't sure, then that vagueness often ends up making a photo that isn't as strong as it might be. And I feel that might be the case here. It seems like you're trying to say something. But I'm not sure what it is.

    Or maybe it's just a lighting exercise

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  4. #4
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    Some photographers do take photos that don't seem to carry any meaning other than, perhaps, a showcase of shape, colors, forms, etc. Here's an example:

    Edition.dpunkt - Home

    Arne seems to be heading into that direction.

    Not every photograph need to tell a story anyway.

    As for this one, I would have shot closer.

  5. #5
    Senior Member arne saknussen's Avatar
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I was definitely working on lighting on this shot. But I was also exploring the Lego, trying to find something in the way of the Slinky shots.
    There is a sort of dual meaning to the shot. I am also trying to create art with Legos (not photographically, but statuary.) So, as the title suggests, a beginning, meaning you start with one brick. Also, "Let there be light", creation, etc.
    I will admit, however, that I had a hard time presenting what I would deem a "good shot". At this point, it is a tough subject, as far as getting something as unique or interesting, as the Slinky shots. My first thought was to create shadows, which, at least, I did get in this shot. But that does not create enough interest, I think.
    I will have to think outside the box and perhaps put the Lego in an unexpected environment.

    AE, thanks for that link. That is, in general. where I am going.

  6. #6
    Member Ptax's Avatar
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    The image is very sharp. Is it my monitor or are there 2 or 3 very faint patches of color just off the left end of the block?

  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    Hmm. I think it's a worthy idea Arne but the execution is a bit too straight up. All I really see is a lego sitting in a dark room with some light hitting it. I think you can find a more creative angle, perhaps adding more supporting characters in the background, to make it a more exciting image. Give it a shot!

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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    I think it looks cool!

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Re: Lego...The Beginning

    I like it, but red legos are my fav

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