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I think it looks good - keep working with 1 subject like leaves it helps you learn alot. For this shot - the leaf looks good to me just not a fan of the bright day light - creates some dark shadows and mutes out some colors
If you have lights you can recreate an outdoor scene inside so you can mess around with lights and see what works. Keep up the work !!! :>
The color of the leaf is attractive as well as the contrast of the mulch on which it lays. As stated by Themage, the hard sunlight is hurting this and the shadow thrown across the leaf by the upper curled portion is hurting. If the light were to be coming from the other direction, or if you flipped your position around so the light would fill the inner area of the leaf it would greatly improve this
Thanks Themage & Gary for the comments on this. It's easy enough to do a similar reshoot, since it's autumn... I'll work on the lighting and time of day, etc...see if I can get a better shot.